British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 849


(Don't follow above link if you don't want to see a dead cat.)

(ie if you are sane.)

What was I just looking at??? Christ.

A Dutch artist who loved his cat so much when it died

He had preserved

Then he turned it into a helicopter

And now he flies it around art galleries

Very respectful.
He's a dick.

Can you imagine how much Orville scares mice?

He's a cat version of those drones bombing Al Quaeda

Quote: zooo @ June 4 2012, 12:51 PM BST

Very respectful.
He's a dick.


Quote: sootyj @ June 4 2012, 12:51 PM BST

A Dutch artist who loved his cat so much when it died

He had preserved

Then he turned it into a helicopter

And now he flies it around art galleries

;) Perhaps he needs some 'Whirlybirds' to fly with it?

So Philip is in hospital. You do have to question the workload for a ninety one year old bloke.

;) It's probably all the port He's been drinking, plus the cold weather getting to his kidneys!

Does he drink port then?

;) Bigfella it's a joke 'cliche' on the Royals.

Quote: chipolata @ June 4 2012, 6:21 PM BST

Considering it's a recession and how much this jubilee malarky is costing us

What was the cost? I would expect that a big event like that would actually bring in money when tourism and souvenir sales are taken into account.


Quote: DaButt @ June 4 2012, 6:36 PM BST

What was the cost? I would expect that a big event like that would actually bring in money when tourism and souvenir sales are taken into account.

That's kind of irrelevant to my point. The point was, it's a big event involving the royals, so the royals have to be there.

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