British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 837

Don't taxpayers already pay for everything?

Quote: sootyj @ May 29 2012, 11:06 PM BST

Yeh Back Borris's London minimun wage!

How is a London minimum wage different from London weighting? Why the hell is it called London weighting? There's no physical weighing involved as far as I can tell.

Where Boris did piss me off was in a recent 'stunt' where he suggested that young Londoners shouldn't be so fussy about taking minimum wage jobs, such as working in Starbucks.

Nice going Government dude, first you tell young people that they should all go to University and get a degree, now you are telling these same people to work in a f**king coffee shop for next to nothing. Way to mix those messages.

London weighting isnt compulsory which is why Boris is suggesting that RBS who are worth like a bazillion, should stop quibbling over paying their cleaners more than 7 squids an hour.

and nothing wrong with being a barrista, providing theres a decent minimun wage, subsidised housing or tax credit top ups to low wages.
Or failing that felating customers for a fiver in the disabled bogs.

The fact that London weighting exists and has done for several decades indicates that the cost of living in London is higher then anywhere else in the country. You don't need to be some dang burned economic scientist to figure that out.

I think a London minimum wage is a whizzo idea and I back Boris on this one. So there!

So do I.

I think it should be subsidised by a pay cut for the rest of the country.

I mean what do people even buy in Birmingham?

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ May 29 2012, 1:30 PM BST

Looks like they're going to introduce quotas so that more women are hired as judges, company directors, top civil servants, etc.

I think it's about time that the best person for the job is viewed by their gender only and that skills, experience, talent, etc. are secondary and superfluous.

Don't forget colour too.

Quote: zooo @ May 29 2012, 2:03 PM BST

(Can't seem to form proper sentences today.)

Quote: Nogget @ May 29 2012, 2:56 PM BST

And that's why there's so few women judges.

Brilliant! Laughing out loud

I don't like posting in this thread but I just wanted to say it isn't always easy to get a dentist or doctor appointment outside work time, unless you don't really need to see a dentist or doctor.

Quote: Badge @ May 30 2012, 12:13 AM BST

I don't like posting in this thread but I just wanted to say it isn't always easy to get a dentist or doctor appointment outside work time, unless you don't really need to see a dentist or doctor.

Well why don't you book an appointment when you don't need them then? Seemples!

So the queen wants as many people as possible should see her! Why the f**k would I want to?

Quote: keewik @ May 30 2012, 12:17 AM BST

So the queen wants as many people as possible should see her! Why the f**k would I want to?

Because you've been subsidiary to England since the 17th century of course.

As someone who worked f**king hard in the NHS, that as an employee it is ridiculous how restricted everything is, so that if you need to get a doctors appointment you should have known two months in advance that you'd need time off and the pressures on the day to day lives of people earning a wage really impact on their productivity and health.
But I have also worked with a f**kload of qualified people who I was ashamed to call my colleagues. You don't get sacked in the NHS. You get moved around and around and around.
But of course there should be a minimum wage, people are desperate enough to keep a roof over their heads without having to compete with people who are either illegal or in a position to take a job then leave it. And of course there should be London wages, it's f**king daft how much it costs to buy a pint let alone have a home compared to the rest of the country.

Quote: keewik @ May 30 2012, 12:17 AM BST

So the queen wants as many people as possible should see her! Why the f**k would I want to?

I'm sure they could just dress up an army of old biddies in fake crowns as body-doubles and pass them off as Her Highness, allowing us 24 hour Queen-spotting. What difference does it make if it's not the real one anyway?

In my area, dozens of manikins-in-Queen-masks have cropped up; they look very stupid. Not much different to a real royal.

Quote: zooo @ May 29 2012, 2:03 PM BST

In an ideal world quotas definitely wouldn't exist. But there are some people who wouldn't employ a woman even if she WAS the best for the job, those are the people who are making these silly quotas happen.
So it's not always the PC brigade etc who are at fault (although it is sometimes/often, obviously). Make sure you are blaming the right people for the existence of quota filling.

Sometimes I think, although it goes against the grain, a short period of quota filling COULD be useful in some cases. As it would get people used to seeing women/men/whatever in a role they are rare in, will then get used to it, and when the quotas are got rid of, will then not be resistant to hiring them based purely on gender.
If that makes sense. (Can't seem to form proper sentences today.)

Anyway. I can see both sides.

Of course there are cases of bias, but unfortunetly there are some who think that because the aren't a white male they are been discriminated against. Thankfuly I think these people are few but they really don't help things.

I can also see how after a period of quota filling if the numbers of men or women employed in an industry were to drop or become very uneven again it would be used to prove peoples point. Even though it could be because at that time there is more males or females qualified for that job.

In the end I guess it is hard to find the middle ground.

Quote: AJGO @ May 30 2012, 12:50 AM BST

You don't get sacked in the NHS. You get moved around and around and around.

In our region, all the senior nurses were offered a form of voluntary redundancy. Only the hardest-working ones who were tired of being given too much work took it, while all the useless slackers chose to stay.


London hit by plague of frogs -

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