British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 830

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ May 22 2012, 2:55 PM BST

There are plenty of babies, but the authorities have made it almost impossible for anyone to adopt a child of a different ethnicity.

Over here a white couple's only choice is a minority baby or a severely disabled white baby.

My daughter's friend's parents adopted a white child with "difficulties." He turned out to be a full-blown schizophrenic who liked to put knives and broken glass in his sister's pillowcase. He was in and out of institutions before he finally stepped in front of a train. It was tragic in every way and his parents couldn't have been kinder, more loving people.

Quote: DaButt @ May 22 2012, 3:10 PM BST

I think Chinese girls go for about $20,000.

Best money Woody Allen ever spent.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ May 22 2012, 3:16 PM BST

Best money Woody Allen ever spent.

(I think she's Korean.)

Quote: AJGO @ May 22 2012, 3:06 PM BST

They're good value, you get a few of decreasing size


Quote: DaButt @ May 22 2012, 3:14 PM BST

Over here a white couple's only choice is a minority baby or a severely disabled white baby.

I'd go for the minority baby, but nothing mixed race, I wouldn't want people thinking my wife is a slag.

Quote: DaButt @ May 22 2012, 3:18 PM BST

(I think she's Korean.)

Same thing.

*waits for Kenneth to arrive*

Quote: zooo @ May 22 2012, 2:19 PM BST

If there's no upper age limit on men spunking into cups then there should be no age limit on helping women get pregnant either.

I doubt many women have the menopause (nature's cut off point) at 40, so I don't know why that should be the cut off point for IVF.

Except wanking into a cup costs, well the cost of the cup (they could provide their own?)

IVF, late stage pregnancies are vastly expensive.

The NHS is I think the biggest recipient of our taxes, possibly even our GDP.

But with that money they have to choose how to spend billions maintaining the health of millions. And how that's divided is endlessly controversial and will throw up endless questions and bizare examples.

For all the tea in China I wouldn't want to work for NICE, event though I think generally they get things wrong.

I hate to say but if you're in your 40s and can't afford IVF. Maybe you shouldn't have it. You're bringing a child into the world, statistically you may not be around to look after in their early life. And if you're not secure enough to pay for IVF, are you secure enough to raise them?

Quote: DaButt @ May 22 2012, 3:14 PM BST

Over here a white couple's only choice is a minority baby or a severely disabled white baby.

My daughter's friend's parents adopted a white child with "difficulties." He turned out to be a full-blown schizophrenic who liked to put knives and broken glass in his sister's pillowcase. He was in and out of institutions before he finally stepped in front of a train. It was tragic in every way and his parents couldn't have been kinder, more loving people.

So who adopts white kids?

Adoption is to fiddly and too beuracratic. The problem is that back in days gone by adoption was massively mishandled. Kids yanked from parents society didn't aprove of, handed over to abusive families or growing up lonely in a society they had no place and no one understood them.

So the rules got made perhaps to strict. Especially as fostering and care are generally as bad as they are over priced. And trying to hold failing families together? Well just look at BabyP.

The solution is adoption, but somehow avoiding those real dangers from the past.

Quote: sootyj @ May 22 2012, 3:28 PM BST

statistically you may not be around to look after in their early life.

Don't really agree with that.
I think some people are overplaying how decrepit and close to death people in their 40s are.

Mum 45 will be 70 when kid is 25.

Life expectancy starts getting shorter in 60s, not to mention various health conditions that may limit your ability to parent.

It's you blokes that die early, not us. ;)

Quote: sootyj @ May 22 2012, 3:34 PM BST

Mum 45 will be 70 when kid is 25.

I think this where the double standard creeps in, it seems to be acceptable by society for an older man to father children then for an older woman to be a mother.

This might have something to do with the familiar roles though, the Dad's main job is to provide financially for the home and with life insurance, he can do this even after he's dead. The mother has a much more hands on role and is required to look after the child most of the time.

Yeah, yeah, we live in a modern world where everything is upside down when it comes to gender roles, but really, it's not.

Quote: zooo @ May 22 2012, 3:39 PM BST

It's you blokes that die early, not us. ;)

Anything to get away from your constant nagging. ;) :P

Well what then? Bromide to be added to all pints of low alcohol bitter and Worthers Originals?

It's not a double standard it's a medical inequality.

I don't see why a 70 year old of either gender is too old to have a 25 year old kid. They don't have to run around the park with them anymore.

Things really have changed quite remarkably anyway. People (including me sometimes) still think every 70 year old is bundled up in a wheelchair and blanket wittering on about biscuits, but it's just not like that anymore. People really are staying young and active longer these days. Certainly if they have young people around them.

Interesting point about the NHS being for all, even the 'fatties, the drinkers and the smokers'.

Except with one main difference - these groups all pay huge amounts of tax to enjoy their past times, so for every £1 they get, they're probably pumping at least .85p of it back into the tax coffers.

It's these clean living, super healthy idiots that are really costing the NHS. Eg. I fall over pissed and break my arm - boo!, I fall off a mountain doing extreme sports and break my arm - yay! The cost and treatment are the same except Honky McDreads hasn't paid in as much as I have to the system and he gets praise for his injury.

Instead of putting up VAT on Gregg's sausage rolls, they should double the tax on skis, mountain bikes, skateboards and snoods.

Quote: zooo @ May 22 2012, 3:48 PM BST

I don't see why a 70 year old of either gender is too old to have a 25 year old kid. They don't have to run around the park with them anymore.

Don't make me put up the statistics for Alzheimers, it is far too depressing.

Snoods? A snood is a scarf.

Quote: zooo @ May 22 2012, 3:55 PM BST

Snoods? A snood is a scarf.

Usually worn by those extreme sports snowboarding idiots as they peform their half pipes or whatever.

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