British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 460

Quote: chipolata @ August 9 2011, 10:29 AM BST

Definitely. And he's responsible for the single most astute quote ever about politicians: "All political lives, unless they are cut off in midstream at a happy juncture, end in failure, because that is the nature of politics and of human affairs."

Paxman's "The Political Animal" makes this case at length. Good read.

What we must guard against is knee-jerk reactions. Ban them immediately!

DC is about to speak. Would love him and Boris to start patroling the streets dressed as Batman and Robin.

Quote: bigfella @ August 9 2011, 10:43 AM BST

DC is about to speak. Would love him and Boris to start patroling the streets dressed as Batman and Robin.


About effing time though. These c**ts are looting because they think they can get away with it. Cameron needs to get on telly and say "Right, you twats. Anyone who loots tonight gets shot in the chin. Got it? Now f**k off."

Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ August 9 2011, 10:12 AM BST

That's a bit naive Ajgo, if I may. None of these shocking events have taken place yet in non white populated areas such as Bradford, Oldham, Burnley, Southall, Hounslow, Tower Hamletts, etc. The ones they have taken place so far in, are those already mentioned, where yes, the racial make up is heavily black, Afro Carribean. Someone is going to have to have the bottle to bring this alarming detail up at some stage! Or we will get nowhere!

I take your point, but think it's more to do with a disproportionate amount of non white people being poor, and so there may be a disproportionate amount of non white people taking part in these events. When someone suggests that it's racially motivated, I would interpret that as being a certain section of the community rebelling on behalf on their cultural background, and I'm just not seeing that here. There were white British people, black people, asian people, turkish people, and eastern european people taking part. This is more about poverty than about race, if it's about anything, and non white people are more likely to be living in poverty, or at least worse off than many white people. But there are plenty of white British people, and people from other cultural backgrounds also experiencing these inequalities, and participating in these riots.
But that's the political explanation, whereas a load of violent thugs nicking what they can because they know they can, without any cultural or political motivation, seems closer to the reality.

So they're putting 16,000 coppers on the streets of London tonight.

What do you reckon? Are we looking at an effective deterrent or a massive ruck?

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ August 9 2011, 11:58 AM BST

So they're putting 16,000 coppers on the streets of London tonight.

What do you reckon? Are we looking at an effective deterrent or a massive ruck?

Don't see how they could not have, but concerned that considering the tensions it'll look like a challenge

These looters are boring, going predictably for plasma TV's and electronic goods. Why can't they be more creative and loot Madame Tussauds?

If that happens tonight Nigel we'll know how it started.

Pleased to report both Greggs and Percy Ingles (retro baking yeah!) still standing. Much smashed glass still about, and burnt out motorbike, but kudos to Hackney council, they have got the whole cleaning department out

via @wikileaks

"BREAKING NEWS: Libya recognizes UK rioters as official government of the UK"

Several news channels have left Hackney off of list of areas affected, which is odd as it seems to be agreed it was one of the worst so far. Find this unsettling but not sure why yet... guess we'll find out tonight

Quote: AJGO @ August 9 2011, 12:23 PM BST

Pleased to report both Greggs and Percy Ingles (retro baking yeah!) still standing. Much smashed glass still about, and burnt out motorbike, but kudos to Hackney council, they have got the whole cleaning department out

Those members of the public who wanted to help with the clean up in Clapham have been prevented from doing so by Health & Safety!! I think that's more embarrassing than the riots.

Quote: Peter Brouhaha @ August 9 2011, 12:28 PM BST

Those members of the public who wanted to help with the clean up in Clapham have been prevented from doing so by Health & Safety!! I think that's more embarrassing than the riots.

Great way to foster community spirit. Then the government is surprised when people don't give a shit about their area.
You should have a reverse riot, where everyone sweeps and cleans against the law!

Quote: Marc P @ August 9 2011, 8:42 AM BST

One percent of Americans own 99 percent of American wealth


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