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I read the news today oh boy! Page 456

Quote: Corey O'Graffor @ August 8 2011, 11:42 PM BST

I think the best way to Cadbury World is by double decker.

No way I'm going on a bus at the moment !

Quote: chipolata @ August 9 2011, 12:13 AM BST

This time next year is the Olympics. Pity we didn't have these riots just before London won the bid. Would have saved us a lot of money.

Absobloodylutely !

Or, even better, two weeks before the opening ceremony !


So the UK's eleventy zillion security cameras will allow the authorities to arrest all the looters eventually, right? Right? Errr

Quote: DaButt @ August 9 2011, 12:16 AM BST

So the UK's eleventy zillion security cameras will allow the authorities to arrest all the looters eventually, right? Right? Errr

I heard that CCTV evidence is only used to solve a tiny percentage of crime in Britain.

According to the conspiracy theorists, the cameras are really here to control us a la 1984, when the New World Order starts, everyone gets microchipped and a one-world government is created.

Then the government has a perfect opportunity to get some New World Order training in by putting armed soldiers on the streets. Seems like it's time.

Quote: DaButt @ August 9 2011, 12:16 AM BST

So the UK's eleventy zillion security cameras will allow the authorities to arrest all the looters eventually, right? Right? Errr

They would do if all the ones in North London hadn't just been looted.

Quote: DaButt @ August 9 2011, 12:27 AM BST

Then the government has a perfect opportunity to get some New World Order training in by putting armed soldiers on the streets. Seems like it's time.

Not to be cynical, but...

They say to predict the future, look to the past, and given how the government's only function by definition is protect land, and it's economy, and given the fact the government always comes up smelling of roses, I'm guessing they'll allow this to play out and cause maximum damage. So then any new proposals or measures implemented under the guise of 'preventing' repeats of this will be welcomed with open arms.

Luckily North London is more deprived and poor than the West end or South of London so it makes for perfect collateral.

We all know if this was a money area it wouldn't been
stopped like that *clicks fingers*

Sky News reporter at Clapham junction enters looted drug store and with grave face picks up a packet from the floor. "It's empty" he says looking at the packet, "It's imodium..."

I bet he was crushed! Laughing out loud

It is only London, when the riots spread to Bridport I will be worried(well I would if I wasn't in Australia right now.).

Quote: Westcountryman @ August 9 2011, 1:02 AM BST

It is only London, when the riots spread to Bridport I will be worried(well I would if I wasn't in Australia right now.).

The Australian media (ABC 24) is reporting live of unrest spreading to Birmingham, Leeds and Liverpool. Not sure how accurate that is yet.

Definitely Birmingham, Liverpool and Manchester. There was a shooting in Leeds earlier but not sure there's a connection.

Bastards. I fear this looting thing is going to spread out everywhere now people are realising how little the police can do when outnumbered.

Coming up to a fourth day and still no zero tolerance approach.

Quote: Kenneth @ August 9 2011, 1:51 AM BST

The Australian media (ABC 24) is reporting live of unrest spreading to Birmingham, Leeds and Liverpool. Not sure how accurate that is yet.

If I lived in those places I'd be restless. ;)

Until someone burns down River Cottage I'll remain calm.

Quote: Westcountryman @ August 9 2011, 2:46 AM BST

If I lived in those places I'd be restless. ;)

You're right; "unrest" was a poor choice of word. Let's call it "violence". Have you seen the big expanse of buildings ablaze (live footage) on the ABC, which is describing it simply as "somewhere in London"? Is it Enfield? Surprising that no deaths have been reported yet.

Quote: Kenneth @ August 9 2011, 2:59 AM BST

You're right; "unrest" was a poor choice of word. Let's call it "violence". Have you seen the big expanse of buildings ablaze (live footage) on the ABC, which is describing it simply as "somewhere in London"? Is it Enfield? Surprising that no deaths have been reported yet.

I'm making lame jokes about the inferiority of the Great Wen, Birmingham and Manchester. In Aussie terms I'm the equivalent of Bob Katter.

It seems strange that a certain sort of breach has occurred in the rule of law and some people have decided they can do what they like, just because they feel like it. England was once proud of its lack of popular violence compared with the continentals. It is a shame indeed.

What's the solution though? I'm not sure. Rightly or wrongly the West decided decades ago that it was better to allow riots than unnecessarily risk lives, even those of rioters, by really crushing them. Sometimes I agree with (then) governor Ronald Reagan when he emphatically told Professors at Berkeley that the death of several student protestors was not the fault of the police or himself, but those among the students who had decided it was up to them which laws they'd obey or did not obey.

Hopefully common sense prevails and the looters run home to watch their new televisions while drinking free beer and admiring their new shoes. If not, I hope your cops and soldiers put an end to it ASAP. The citizenry needs to feel safe in its own homes.

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