Try going onto The Sun's website - it's been hacked and you get redirected to Lulzsec's Twitter feed. Another kick in the nads for Mr Murdoch.
I read the news today oh boy! Page 413
How funny.
Quote: Lee Henman @ July 17 2011, 2:22 PM BSTMick Hucknall - sorry I mean Rebekah Brooks arrested
At the grilling yesterday, they were really after her. One of the best questions was something like 'You say you were aware of PIs being used by all other papers, and yet when questioned about the details of their use in your paper, you say you know nothing! Isn't this a bit odd?' I think that is very odd.
They brought up proof of one of them being used (and paid) over a thousand times by NoW, and yet she knows so little about it. What exactly was she doing as a highly paid editor then? Eating chocolate sandwiches and chatting to her friends about holidays?
And some how Alfred your incipient chauvinism makes me sympathise with Mrs Brooks for the first time.
Quote: DaButt @ July 20 2011, 1:40 PM BST
Expensive graffiti. He could've saved himself millions by just writing "Hamad Rools Ok" on a public bog wall.
What we now need is someone from the International Space Station to write "is a wanker" on tracing paper.
And then photograph the 2 together.
Quote: sootyj @ July 20 2011, 1:44 PM BSTWhat we now need is someone from the International Space Station to write "is a wanker" on tracing paper.
And then photograph the 2 together.
Quote: Lee Henman @ July 20 2011, 1:43 PM BSTExpensive graffiti. He could've saved himself millions by just writing "Hamad Rools Ok" on a public bog wall.
Lee not everyone gets their dates from the walls of gentlemans toilets.
Some of us use cards in phone boxes.
Quote: sootyj @ July 20 2011, 1:50 PM BSTLee not everyone gets their dates from the walls of gentlemans toilets.
Some of us use cards in phone boxes.
Posh bastard. You've changed, Sooty.
Lee this is the 21st century the USB port has replaced the glory hole.
The internet chatroom the large bush with George Micheal hiding behind it,
Quote: sootyj @ July 20 2011, 1:54 PM BSTLee this is the 21st century the USB port has replaced the glory hole.
You can get your cock through a USB port?
Yup that's how I gave my laptop a virus.
You obviously used a Trojan

I still have to use a floppy disk drive