British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 373

Quote: sootyj @ May 16 2011, 11:52 PM BST

Name 3 interesting facts about American Football

I used to follow the Los Angeles Raiders until they moved to Oakland

I saw the Redskins v Cowboys in Washington in about, ooh, 1983

William Perry,played for the Chicago Bears, was nicknamed The Fridge.

Think that's three . . .

Oh, Dan Marino used to piss me off solely because he played for Miami.

Quote: sootyj @ May 16 2011, 11:54 PM BST

All that chambermaid said was she wanted to get her hands on the crazy frog.

Accusing me of plagarism I've killed people for less.

Who accused you?

The lady doth protest too much methinks.


20 years out of date.

Convincing you ain't

Seriously I take the implication plagarism really personally. I may not be the funniest guy on the block, but my brand is my own.

And Lee Perry moved to play for a London Team put on more weight and was nicknamed the Fridge Freezer.

Quote: Oldrocker @ May 17 2011, 12:00 AM BST

Who accused you?

The lady doth protest too much methinks.


The implication is enough you sanctomonious so and so


Unimpressed All boring and SO predictable just like having to share space with 'chavs'

How do you keep Dominique Strauss Kahn out of prison?

Buy him a sleeping bag.

Rolling eyes 'Yawn'...

Quote: sootyj @ May 17 2011, 9:29 AM BST

How do you keep Dominique Strauss Kahn out of prison?

Buy him a sleeping bag.

from Paxman last night: "No bailout for Strauss-Kahn"

He hasn't been convicted but as the allegations stack up, Strauss-Kahn is looking like the John Leslie of international banking.

Sadly, the article doesn't mention what his BCG username was...

Benefits Cheat Video - Man Who Claimed £21000 In Disability Benefit Jailed For Drunken Rampage

A suspended sentence for assaulting people

More than a year for benefit fraud

I am off to join the flipping Taliban

(which BCGer did you think he was?)

In other news, The Pentagon releases yet more stills from Osama Bin Laden's home video collection, proving conclusively that he was conspiring with rogue elements within the Pakistani political system...


Tragic loss to drama.

Quote: KLRiley @ May 17 2011, 10:19 PM BST Tragic loss to drama.

Mr Boston Legal wrote it so it would have at least been interesting. Denny Crane.

Looks like Pete Townshend is finally going to release that book:

Denny Crane.

Quote: sootyj @ May 16 2011, 11:52 PM BST

Name 3 interesting facts about American Football

1) After the FA cup final, the annual NFL London match is Wembley's biggest money spinner (so a man on a Wembley tour told me).

2) It's shit

3) Former professional footballer OJ Simpson hasn't murdered anyone.

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