British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 352

Well, you just chose two of the crappest actresses to prove a point.
Sandra Bullock's pretty classy and witty, I can imagine her opposite Bogart.

I'm sure there are other classy actresses now, and I'm sure there were plenty of crap ones back then.

I know what you mean though to an extent. The world, and Hollywood, is totally different now.

But she never got paid anything!

Oh dear. Egypt's ruling military council is poised to approve a law which would make protests a criminal offence punishable by jail time and huge fines. Can't imagine things will get better if the Muslim Brotherhood wins elections outright and rewrites the constitution to create a shariah-based state.

CNN report:

Quote: zooo @ March 24 2011, 1:42 PM GMT

But she never got paid anything!

She earned the undying gratitude of a million or more pubescent boys.

True. And she seems happy enough about it.

Quote: Griff @ March 24 2011, 1:13 PM GMT

This is a good point. There are few Casablancas made in Hollywood these days. For some reason all the great dialogue writers seem to be working in TV now (Mad Men etc).

A lot of great writers fled to the cable stations because they are valued more than network stations and Hollywood, where they are considered hacks pretty low down on the food chain.
I've heard both David Chase (Sopranos) and David Simon (the Wire) say they would not to a network TV station.

Quote: zooo @ March 24 2011, 1:08 PM GMT

Sandra Bullock's pretty classy and witty, I can imagine her opposite Bogart. 'While you were sleeping'?

Quote: Kenneth @ March 25 2011, 8:29 AM GMT

Can't imagine things will get better if the Muslim Brotherhood wins elections outright and rewrites the constitution to create a shariah-based state.

The sad truth is that most nations in the region are governed by strong and brutal regimes. They deserve to go but I'm not sure that there are groups strong enough to take their place and hold everything together. Other than the Islamists, that is, and it may not be long before we are remembering Qadaffi, Mubarak and Hussein fondly.

Quote: roscoff @ March 25 2011, 2:21 PM GMT 'While you were sleeping'?

I've seen lots of her films over the years and find her to be as I described!

5 inches! :O


Richard Littlejohn really is a terrible c**t, isn't he?

That article was just poor.

But I always have some affection for the man who dubbed Palestinians
"the chavs of the Middle East."

And unlike Carole Malone he isn't evil and annoying.

(nb my sister met Carole Malone long story)

Oooooohhhhhhh I wish I hadn't read that.

(I read the original)

It's an amazingly inaritculate article.

Like he started out trying to say something clever and ended up just shouting

"hey Japan your gay and you smell!"

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