British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 348

It brutalises people and creates habitual offenders.

Which is great if you like habitual offenders.

Or spending thousands of dollars per head, running into billions.

If you keep them there for life, they can't reoffend.
Problem solved!!

They just cost a bleeding fortune.

And don't be so sure you, your friends or your family will break the law...

Quote: sootyj @ March 18 2011, 7:01 PM GMT

It brutalises people and creates habitual offenders.

Most people aren't sent to prison until they already have a lengthy arrest record so when they finally find themselves behind bars they are already habitual offenders. If they find themselves back in prison after being paroled then it's quite obvious that they've chosen a life of crime and don't deserve to walk amongst us.

So whats the solution?

Kill them or bankrupt the economy locking them up?>

N.B. if you are referring to violent offenders (including burglars, car thieves etc) yes lock them up.

Lock up any one who is an actual threat of violence

Quote: sootyj @ March 18 2011, 7:25 PM GMT

N.B. if you are referring to violent offenders (including burglars, car thieves etc) yes lock them up.

Lock up any one who is an actual threat of violence


Are you a liberal Soot?

I agree with Sooty 100%.

And it's not often he hears that!

Quote: Will Cam @ March 18 2011, 7:34 PM GMT

Are you a liberal Soot?

Not especially, prison has it's place and it's an important one

For me it's there to protect society and eliminate dangerous behaviours

What's a no-fly zone? 'cos to me it looks like there is flying involved and it's our airforce that will be bombing the shit out of Libya.

Quote: sootyj @ March 18 2011, 7:25 PM GMT

So whats the solution?

Kill them or bankrupt the economy locking them up?>

N.B. if you are referring to violent offenders (including burglars, car thieves etc) yes lock them up.

Lock up any one who is an actual threat of violence

We've got this island called South Georgia, way down in the South Atlantic, uninhabited by people, so we could take the offenders down there, drop them by parachute and then drop some supplies occasionally and just leave then to fend for themselves.

Virtually impossible to escape from there, provided there is an embargo on ships going there.

Quote: AngieBaby @ March 18 2011, 10:08 PM GMT

What's a no-fly zone? 'cos to me it looks like there is flying involved and it's our airforce that will be bombing the shit out of Libya.

Maybe they should have a No-Fly zone in Africa and malaria will be eradicated forever.

You made me do a lol.

Thatcher's Clown School Apology-

OK I'll start- Did they finish their oh oh levels?

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