British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 347

Jail, for that? Definitely a fining situation, I'd have thought.

Or at least a bit of community service with Crisis at Christmas so they can discover the true meaing of the festive spirit

13 months? A big fine would have taught them.



A rare, cloud-free satellite photo of Ireland:

Ooh, pretttty.

Lol at the cloud just trying to creep in at the bottom.

Spotted this from Dabutt's link...

Prison should only be for be who are actively dangerous, a flight risk or indeed of urgent monitoring.

Community service, payback and fines if managed properly can be a perfectly harsh punishment and sustained over a longer period of time

So a guy like Bernie Madoff who ruins lives by swindling people out of billions of dollars should be punished by picking up trash on the side of the road?

Quote: Corey O'Graffor @ March 18 2011, 6:27 PM GMT

Spotted this from Dabutt's link...


Quote: DaButt @ March 18 2011, 6:39 PM GMT

So a guy like Bernie Madoff who ruins lives by swindling people out of billions of dollars should be punished by picking up trash on the side of the road?


But I think he'd need to be locked up for his own protection.

He'd also be a flight risk.

I do resent paying 10,000s to lock up a pair of chancers who ripped off some submoronic chavs, wanting to have a shitty pretend Christmas.

Yes, prison costs a fortune. These clowns should be made to labour every winter by becoming human gritting machines. One to pull a large trolley of grit, the other to shovel it out. Both dressed up as santas.

That is excelent Nigel I'd vote for whichever party put that forward

Violent offenders need to be locked away, but even nonviolent offenders sometimes need to go to prison as well. Prison should be a thoroughly unpleasant experience and prisoners should be worked so hard that they don't have the energy to cause trouble at the end of the day.

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