British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 305


Sorry Nat but its so rare for me to be able to mock some one else's typos.

I leap at the chance.

Leap I tells ya.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ January 14 2011, 1:56 PM GMT

Look, America has a gun culture that's deeply ingrained, and that we as British people look upon as slightly bonkers, no one is going to agree with each other as both sidea have horror stories/happy stories to back up their views. So this argument that seems to come up every month or two is pointless.

Yep. I agree.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ January 14 2011, 1:56 PM GMT

Look, America has a gun culture that's deeply ingrained, and that we as British people look upon as slightly bonkers, no one is going to agree with each other as both sidea have horror stories/happy stories to back up their views. So this argument that seems to come up every month or two is pointless.

So's life

doesn't stop me living it

No, as Ronan Keeting once said, life is a rollercoaster. You queue for ages and then you feel sick. Or something.

I think the way to solve gun problems is to not live in poor areas because poor people are often also criminals, and as we all know any criminal will probably shoot you as soon as steal your TV.

Live in a nice area or apartment block like me and you're unlikely to encounter any crime because there are no poor people.


Quote: sootyj @ January 14 2011, 3:39 PM GMT


I do think there is a place for some sort of none lethal weapon to be made available in the UK.

Just not sure what.

Like I say guns corrode civil liberties.

How about a CO2 powered gun, with wide barrels that fires rubber slugs or anesthetic hyperdermic darts (as used to incapacitate animals).

Quote: billwill @ January 14 2011, 6:09 PM GMT

How about a CO2 powered gun, with wide barrels that fires rubber slugs or anesthetic hyperdermic darts (as used to incapacitate animals).

We'd be the laughing stock of the world, Billwill!

Quote: Schwen @ January 14 2011, 5:50 PM GMT

I think the way to solve gun problems is to not live in poor areas because poor people are often also criminals, and as we all know any criminal will probably shoot you as soon as steal your TV.

Live in a nice area or apartment block like me and you're unlikely to encounter any crime because there are no poor people.

Sad but true. The rate of gun crimes in this country varies greatly by race and income.

Fox shoots hunter:


Quote: DaButt @ January 14 2011, 6:24 PM GMT

Fox shoots hunter:



Quote: chipolata @ January 14 2011, 2:14 PM GMT

David Cameron's giving yet another speach at Gregg's. What is it with him that place? He's always f**king giving a press conference from Gregg's.

They do great cheese and onion pasties, that's why.

Steak bake.

I have no problem with Greggs, I just get a bit sick of seeing Cameron there.

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