British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 291

The carer lets him in.

The carer can't stop him. Its not allowed.

Ah, fair enough.

Probably only uses weak minded carers and bullies them

besides you really can't refuse anything as a carer that isn't actually illegal

how he affords his din dins is what puzzles me

He was getting £700 a week (:O) to pay for care. Maybe there was a bit left.

£700 a week for a live-in full time carer is about right actually. Likely though he will have also had his mortgage paid for and be getting incapacity benefits that would (I imagine) go primarily on food.

24/7 care most of it with 2 people, that's actually a bargain price.

Still his cost of living benefits could be around £800, incapacity DLA (mobility and care high rates) neither of which would have to go to the care workers.

I'm reckoning hoists, beds etc all paid for by grants from social services.

If they're paying his mortgage he must have a hell of a social worker, it happens but well it shoudln't.

No, that is a bit bloody much, really.

I can actually feel myself turning into a Daily Mail reader. :O

I missed out on all the benefits.

Quote: zooo @ January 7 2011, 9:23 PM GMT

I can actually feel myself turning into a Daily Mail reader. :O

Is Aaron rubbing off on you again? Sick

Damn it! The only plus side! (Apart from all the yummy food.)

Quote: Rob H @ January 7 2011, 9:27 PM GMT

Is Aaron rubbing off on you again? Sick

Shall we just write that down to unfortunate timing?

Quote: zooo @ January 7 2011, 9:27 PM GMT

Damn it! The only plus side! (Apart from all the yummy food.)

He must have in excess of a hundred squids a day for nosh. DLA is meant to fill in for all the little, subtle things that a disabled person needs can't be provided by carers etc at huge expense.

Eg a person with MS who gets tired can pay someone to mow their lawn or buy preprepared veg. Or pay for the occaisonal taxi or night out for a family member who's caring for them.

It's really quite humane.

The problem is like everything in social care there is no value judgement. So it can also be used to buy Elvis size dinners, get royally pissed or chase whores.

Big philosophical this one really.

Quote: sootyj @ January 7 2011, 9:22 PM GMT

24/7 care most of it with 2 people, that's actually a bargain price.

Still his cost of living benefits could be around £800, incapacity DLA (mobility and care high rates) neither of which would have to go to the care workers.

I'm reckoning hoists, beds etc all paid for by grants from social services.

If they're paying his mortgage he must have a hell of a social worker, it happens but well it shoudln't.

Sounds about right.

Quote: sootyj @ January 7 2011, 9:29 PM GMT

He must
The problem is like everything in social care there is no value judgement. So it can also be used to buy Elvis size dinners, get royally pissed or chase whores.

*nods in aggreement*

Quote: zooo @ January 7 2011, 9:27 PM GMT

Damn it! The only plus side! (Apart from all the yummy food.)

The food wasn't yummy.

Quote: Rob H @ January 7 2011, 9:28 PM GMT

Shall we just write that down to unfortunate timing?


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