British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 288

Quote: Tim Walker @ December 21 2010, 4:38 PM GMT

It's true, you know. We're working around the clock in ICU

the NHS has a fulltime unit for playing Hide and Seek and Grandmas footsteps?

No wonder it's going broke.

More good ol' American justice. I'm thinking about writing a book about the screwed-up cases of injustice in the Police State US. Check these out.

A 12-year-old doodles "Lex was here" on school desk. She's handcuffed, arrested, and taken to the police station.

Man reads cheating wife's email. Faces possible 5 years in prison.

Polish woman detained and beaten by New York cops for failing to pick up dog poo.

Rape victim refuses to have breasts felt by airport security - and is pushed to the floor, cuffed and arrested.

Quote: Griff @ December 29 2010, 1:05 PM GMT

It's quite a crowded field:

etc etc etc etc etc etc

Or were you thinking of doing a comedy book about it? That could work.

Cheers for that Griff, I'll check those links out. Yes, the book would defintely have a comedy angle.

Quote: Lee Henman @ December 29 2010, 12:37 PM GMT

More good ol' American justice. I'm thinking about writing a book about the screwed-up cases of injustice in the Police State US.

Police state? As a citizen, I think I'm a better judge of the situation than you and I can assure you that this nation is not a police state. Feel free to make fun of it if you'd like but I can't help but wonder about your fixation on a country thousands of miles away while similarly egregious/frustrating/ridiculous events take place in your own nation just as frequently.

Burst pipes everywhere in Northern Ireland...a sinister ploy by the mountain spring bottled water fairies to up the sales of their pricey dew??

Quote: DaButt @ December 29 2010, 6:45 PM GMT

but I can't help but wonder about your fixation on a country thousands of miles away

It's probably for the same reason that people find reading about the Last Days of Rome fascinating... ;)

Flipping heck! Is that real? Scary.

This is why we all need webcams implanted in our skulls.

That's mental. Coming to a cinema near you soon too, no doubt.

Reading the comments below I am worrying I am becoming very unaffected by acts of violence. Some people took real offence to that photo being put up, I, on the other hand, found it interesting. :S

Quote: DaButt @ January 4 2011, 6:57 PM GMT

This is why we all need webcams implanted in our skulls.

I'm surprised you guys haven't already got it under the Patriot Act.

This is what I've got and Dan is having a panic hehe. Really 600 in 11 years isn't that many.

Quote: Nat Wicks @ January 5 2011, 10:59 AM GMT

Really 600 in 11 years isn't that many.

I bet she's sore though.


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