British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 286

He solved 2 crimes in one night by firing blindly

I'd give him more and bigger guns

But let me guess, you wouldn't want to live ANYWHERE near him.

Quote: sootyj @ December 18 2010, 6:33 PM GMT

My only response is eh?

That's such a brilliant story!

Good for the farmer. More burglars need to contract fatal cases of lead poisoning.

I was looking at shotguns at Wal-Mart a few hours ago. Christmas present for myself???

and what about the poor dope?farmer?

Quote: sootyj @ December 19 2010, 1:44 AM GMT

and what about the poor dope?farmer?

The world would be a better place without drug dealers. BLAM!

somehow I think the world with you not having a shotgun

Everyone should have a shotgun. I want one of these:


what the heck for?

It's the perfect home/zombie defence weapon.

Another big news day at The Copenhagen Post:

Quote: Kenneth @ December 19 2010, 8:05 AM GMT

Another big news day at The Copenhagen Post:

What an absolute freak.

More good ol' American justice at work. Caught on a police dashcam, a homeless native American woodcarver called John T Williams was ambling across the street carrying a bit of wood, apparently carving it with a three inch pocket knife. Cop jumps out of car, screams at him to drop the knife, then within a few seconds shoots him four times in the side. Big bad injun dead, the cop's colleagues arrive and the cop tells them that John wouldn't drop the blade and so he shot him. "Good job" says one colleague. "You did the right thing" says another.

Since then, investigators have found that John was deaf in one ear and may not have even heard the trigger-happy cowboy - sorry - cop. Also, after talking to legal reps the cop changed his story from "He wouldn't drop the knife" to "He advanced on me with the knife". (The actual shooting is off-cam)

More evidence recently uncovered suggests that the knife was found next to John's body, CLOSED. The knife's manufacturer says it's impossible for the knife to close by itself because of the locking mechanism. So it seems it may be the case that the knife wasn't even open, and a deaf alcoholic woodcarver was murdered in broad daylight by a cop having a bad day.

Some people were saying the cop was justified - the department review board don't agree and have preliminarily found the shooting was unjustified, and have ordered the cop to turn in his gun and badge. He's now on paid leave.

Aren't guns great? Yee-haw :(


Thank God he wasn't in a wheelchair with Cerebral Palsy. They'd have have had to call for back up.

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