British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,857

Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ 5th October 2024, 9:42 AM

I'm sure Lofty's been called worse things.


Quote: Billy Bunter @ 5th October 2024, 8:39 AM

This is Starmer we're talking about. What if he were offered, in exchange, tickets to the next Argentina game. Or a free poncho?


Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 5th October 2024, 9:28 AM

Interesting silence..........


I know if it had been me posted that, he would have been foaming at the mouth, and God knows what he would have called me

Maybe poking the hornet's nest like this isn't such a great idea then Herc?

Quote: Aaron @ 5th October 2024, 12:00 PM


Maybe poking the hornet's nest like this isn't such a great idea then Herc?

Ye Gods, I toned it down - maybe you should look at what he explodes with

Besides it's too late for oil on troubled waters and I stand by what I said, being unanimous in that

Quote from the Grauniad of all places:

"after making more mistakes in its first 100 days - a milestone it reaches this week - than any postwar government,.."

And that's exactly why The Guardian is the only paper worth reading.

Quote: Lazzard @ 6th October 2024, 10:24 AM

And that's exactly why The Guardian is the only paper worth reading.

I don't think you need to read the Grauniad exclusively to come to that conclusion. I think you'll find most newspapers - and indeed most of the population - reached the same conclusion some time ago.

Missing the point spectacularly there, BB.

Not at all. I know you're suggesting that the Grauniad is the only "even-handed" paper. But that's not my point either.

Not even-handed.
Just not dictatorial in the the line it takes.

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