British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 285

I think you mean without. I'm with you on that.


But the police have been coming to riots without ID or tags for decades.

And frankly beating the hell out of some people and in some cases killing them. This is a recalcitrant minority. But the fact that no one senior ever manages to do anything about it is distressing to say the least.

Yes it's really concerning. The only reason that you wouldn't wear an ID tag is that you activiely want to avoid being help responsible for your actions. Which is terrifying.

But some where along the line some one is supposed to be in charge?
Some one should be saying put your tags on.

And the vast majority of police if you've ever been to a demo are actually more than reasonable. It's the hit squads that are the problem

Quote: Nat Wicks @ December 15 2010, 9:47 AM GMT

I saw this on the news and put a complaint in straight away. I've never complained to the BBC before. I feel all old.

I thought it was disgusting. He was trying to justify it and when Jody McIntyre explained that he wasn't rolling towards them because he was unable to move his chair himself, the idiot asked him if he'd been throwing missiles? What a douche. It's a stupid thing to ask someone with his condition in the first place, but the fact is that no one had sugegsted he had thrown anything or was being aggressive, he just decided in his head and decided to try to demonise him.

I think McIntyre came off remarkably well in the interview and Ben Brown came off as a total c**t. Total gutter journalism. I would expect better from the Beeb.

Apparently a lot of complaints were made...

I hadn't realised there was an Internet campaign to get complaints.

What a disappointing response. Some great comments on there, though.

Quote: Nat Wicks @ December 16 2010, 9:44 AM GMT

I hadn't realised there was an Internet campaign to get complaints.

What a disappointing response.

My dad used to say if you complain about things you go on a black list, so it's best not to.

I think you should start a threat about these gems from your Dad. I think he might be a genuis just waiting to be published.

Quote: chipolata @ December 16 2010, 10:01 AM GMT

My dad used to say if you complain about things you go on a black's dick, so it's best not to.

And he followed through on that threat didnnt he?

Quote: Lee Henman @ December 15 2010, 9:42 AM GMT

Here's a story that made my blood boil. One of the student protestors, Jody McIntyre - a wheelchair-bound disabled man with cerebral palsy - was dragged from his wheelchair by police - TWICE - and beaten with a baton because he was "rolling towards them". How threatening. The police must've been terrified.

Maybe they were frightened he was going to be like his namesake and bore them to death with his "jokes".

Quote: Nat Wicks @ December 15 2010, 9:47 AM GMT

I think McIntyre came off remarkably well in the interview and Ben Brown came off as a total c**t. Total gutter journalism. I would expect better from the Beeb.

How so?

I just watched it and it comes across like a pretty well-balanced interview.

Adopting a contrary position is a perfectly acceptable news interviewing technique. By asking the questions he did, Brown allowed McIntyre to state his position and make it abundantly clear the the police were absolutely at fault.

Anybody who was watching the interview with a preconceived notion that McIntyre was somehow to blame could not have come away from it continuing to have that belief.

Quote: Nat Wicks @ December 16 2010, 10:46 AM GMT

I think you should start a threat about these gems from your Dad. I think he might be a genuis just waiting to be published.


Quote: sootyj @ December 15 2010, 10:12 AM GMT

That'd make me shit me self if I was a police man

More seriously the police are looking to use stop and search powers as well as water cannons. Water cannons have not been used in mainland UK ever.

And the riot squads are still ripping their bloody ID numbers off.

Any officer turning up without ID should be suspended on the spot, no ifs no buts

:S The Police are making lame excuses, not a leg to stand on, its so obvious, very angry, nothing changes.

My only response is eh?

Ha, I have many responses. The first being: take the gun off him, quick!

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