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I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,840

Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ 30th August 2024, 3:47 AM

The same Thatcher he praised to the hilt in his pre election warm up?

The lady was not for turning. Not a concept he recognises.

Quote: lofthouse @ 27th August 2024, 4:03 PM

Liz Truss considered scrapping all cancer treatment on the NHS in a desperate bid to repair the damage caused by her disastrous economic policies, according to a new book.

Even the Grauniad had the grace to quote a spokesperson for Truss saying: "It is completely untrue that she ever considered it". And that "one person familiar with the conversation said the suggestion to cut NHS cancer care came not from Truss herself but from the Treasury". You forgot to mention that.

Quote: Chris Hallam @ 30th August 2024, 7:26 AM

Astonishing. The last government really was appalling.

But not as appalling (or as undemocratic) as the current one.

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 30th August 2024, 9:08 AM

Even the Grauniad had the grace to quote a spokesperson for Truss saying: "It is completely untrue that she ever considered it". You forgot to mention that.

Not really surprising that they denied this! The info came from Anthony Seldon, a highly respected historian.

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 30th August 2024, 9:08 AM

But not as appalling (or as undemocratic) as the current one.

I respectfully disagree.

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 30th August 2024, 9:08 AM

The lady was not for turning. Not a concept he recognises.

Even the Grauniad had the grace to quote a spokesperson for Truss saying: "It is completely untrue that she ever considered it". And that "one person familiar with the conversation said the suggestion to cut NHS cancer care came not from Truss herself but from the Treasury". You forgot to mention that.

But not as appalling (or as undemocratic) as the current one.

The current cabinet isn't infested with simpletons like this anymore thank f**k

"The UK's largest Jewish community organisation has lambasted Tory MP Esther McVey over her "repugnant" use of a famed Holocaust poem warning of the horrors of Nazi persecution to criticise plans to ban smoking in pub gardens."

Spot the difference:

Labour MP, Jas Athwal, lets out flats infested with ants & mould and threatens residents with eviction if they complain.

Labour Party manifesto pledges to protect renters from rogue landlords.

Not to mention the fact that MPs are supposed to look after their constituents' interests.

What's a supposed socialist doing owning 15 properties to let anyway?

Unlicenced too. What a charming Landlord. (Hypocrite)

Oasis are still together.

Quote: Julia Caesar @ 2nd September 2024, 11:22 AM

Oasis are still together.

Thieving bastards.

Thanks to this 'woke' Labour government you can no longer describe a school and all it's varying ups and downs with just one single word

Or ask what Islamaphobia means. 'We don't know but we are going to legislate against it.

I'm pretty sure you can ask what Islamaphobia is.
Didn't Reform MP, Lee Anderson, ask that in the HoC?
Though quite how tht helps the constituents he's meant to represent, I don't know.
It's almost as if he was doing it just to get a GB News headline.

You can ask but getting a precise answer is impossible if you ask a known question dodger.

It is tricky.
I prefer the more overarching term, 'racist'.

Quote: Lazzard @ 3rd September 2024, 9:48 AM

I'm pretty sure you can ask what Islamaphobia is.
Didn't Reform MP, Lee Anderson, ask that in the HoC?
Though quite how tht helps the constituents he's meant to represent, I don't know.
It's almost as if he was doing it just to get a GB News headline.

Well if Arachnaphobia is FEAR of spiders and claustrophobia is FEAR of confinement then Islammaphobia surely means FEAR of Islam and not hatred.

'Phobia' is the wrong suffix - always has been.
Homophobia - its first incarnation - was coined way back to describe 'why' people were anti-gay - and was put down to a fear or repulsion of homosexuality - which is what homophobic originally meant.
But meanings change - and I think most of us know what Islamophobic means now.
Even Lee Anderson.

I doubt the thick f**ker can even spell it

I've wiped more intelligent things off the bottom of my shoe

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