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I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,833

Of course , if the tories hadnt privatised UK energy and flogged it all off to the French, the Spanish and the Germans- our bills wouldn't be so pissing astronomical in the first place

Ask the owners and shareholders of those foreign companies if they have trouble paying their lecky bills....

I'd be interested to know why it's considered that train drivers on up to Β£70,000 pa

Quote: lofthouse @ 23rd August 2024, 12:39 PM

desperately need it

while pensioners on (say) Β£22,800 gross (eg myself) are

Quote: lofthouse @ 23rd August 2024, 5:35 PM

greedy old sods

it's the 'im alright Jack syndrome.

Quote: lofthouse @ 23rd August 2024, 5:35 PM

If you're struggling- buy a cardigan πŸ˜†πŸ˜‹

F**king hysterical, and that's the best you can come up with - laughing at your own "jokes". Don't you realise what a pathetic picture you paint of yourself?

Quote: Lazzard @ 23rd August 2024, 5:43 PM

Stop being a dick, Herc.
And the train drivers are working people.

How dare you! You really are a piece of work. YOU are the one being a dick - can't you see that? Saying train drivers are working people - as though they are some sort of labourers on 50 bob a week, instead of the obscene wages they take home.

And now, to add insult to injury, energy bills are going up c. Β£12 a month, on top of no heating allowances.

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 23rd August 2024, 6:19 PM

I'd be interested to know why it's considered that train drivers on up to Β£70,000 pa
while pensioners on (say) Β£22,800 gross (eg myself) are

Answer the man ***thouse!

Ask yer missus to knit you a scarf and some mittens?


Show some bloody initiative man ffs


Quote: lofthouse @ 23rd August 2024, 11:18 PM

Ask yer missus to knit you a scarf and some mittens?


Show some bloody initiative man ffs


What a pathetic numbskull you are, and STILL you haven't answered Billy's post. Oh, and by the way my wife is a disabled person who is completely paralysed down her left side, so unable to do knitting, or much else for that matter

I ignore Billy's posts ...

The reason being, he apparently ignores all my posts

Although I suspect he is fibbing as he seems to make it his lifes work to go over all my posts in microscopic detail ...

I think he even prints them out and puts them in a scrapbook

He's my biggest fan


I told my wife your "joke" about her knitting me a scarf and some mittens?

She wondered if you were mentally unbalanced (or words to that effect)


I've been for tests

I'm 100% sane

Ask Kevin, my pet badger , if you don't believe me 🀨

So, it seems now there's dissent amongst the Labour ranks over Barmy Starmy's energy snatch - is the BCG left wing going to keep defending this twat and his thievery, just to placate the unions

Herc, if you spent even a nanosecond reading other people's posts rather than lashing out left right and centre ( though mainly left) you would have seen that I had not only said that it was badly handled, but that there was an arguement for raising the threshold in light of soon to be rising energy prices.
But you probably won't read this and resort to ranting again.

When you want Mr Uturn to turn, he doesn't.
I suppose he has to find a way to repay the unions for their generous contributions.

Quote: lofthouse @ 23rd August 2024, 11:29 PM

I ignore Billy's posts ...

The reason being, he apparently ignores all my posts

Although I suspect he is fibbing as he seems to make it his lifes work to go over all my posts in microscopic detail ...

I think he even prints them out and puts them in a scrapbook

He's my biggest fan


I have never professed to ignore your posts. That I do not ignore them is quite evident from the number of times I challenge what you have written.

That you do not ignore my posts (despite what you now say) is also quite evident from your often abusive responses to those challenges.

It seems to be just this latest one that you are ignoring. One imagines that is because there is no satisfactory reply.

Quote: Lazzard @ 24th August 2024, 8:30 AM

Herc, if you spent even a nanosecond reading other people's posts rather than lashing out left right and centre ( though mainly left) you would have seen that I had not only said that it was badly handled, but that there was an arguement for raising the threshold in light of soon to be rising energy prices.
But you probably won't read this and resort to ranting again.

You really are a piece of work with your once again hypocritical side-stepping the real issue and not dealing with the fact your leader has f**ked up.

AND I'll lash out and rant as much as I want when I see injustice being unfairly supported.

And just to stick the boot in - there is no 'e' in argument πŸ˜†

Did I just read your post, or was it a figment of my imagination..................

How do you want me to 'deal' with it apart from saying it was badly timed and probably needed nuancing?
I agree with policy in principle, I don't think it was a mistake.
I thought it was badly thought through when introduced originally - all the wine suppliers used to look forward to it as they'd get a little boost to their sales when all the old duffers would put in their orders for a case of something nice for Christmas.
Giving money to people who don't need it when others do is both stupid & lazy.

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