British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,828

I do love it when the experts pipe up.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 18th August 2024, 1:11 PM

I do love it when the experts pipe up.

Thought you lot had "had enough of experts".

I don't know why you even bother to acknowledge that tedious prat

Like you did.
A contrary opinion is perfectly allowable but I believe calling other posters disrespectable names is not.
You need to get a grip of your hatred, it's ruining your sunny disposition.

He wasn't responding to you.
He was responding to me.
In fact you were moaning about him not responding to you earlier.

Just ignore him!

He always claims it's others that start fights and name calling - when 99% of the time it's HIM

My mistake, thought he meant me.

That was the tedious prat bit.

Ok let's clear this up for the stupid

Stephen you are the argumentative , attention seeking bore

I respect Lazzard as he seems like a decent bloke and I wouldn't insult him


Kin ell....

How's the ignoring going?
You don't like my opinions, that's ok with me but twice on this page you write personal insults.
Isn't that what they call hate speech these days?

That salt of the earth, man of the people , Nigel Farage earns 100 thousand a month for his show on gbeebies

A show where he has accused nurses , teachers and train drivers etc for being greedy asking for decent pay rises

Gawwwd bless 'im guv - he's one ov us

Quote: lofthouse @ 18th August 2024, 3:57 PM

Ok let's clear this up for the stupid

Stephen you are the argumentative , attention seeking bore

I respect Lazzard as he seems like a decent bloke and I wouldn't insult him


Kin ell....

You are being a bit of a tit.

Quote: Chappers @ 19th August 2024, 5:50 PM

You are being a bit of a tit.

Which bit in particular?

P.s. I see you are STILL ignoring all my posts and not reading ANY of them? You're VERY bad at it...

Quote: lofthouse @ 19th August 2024, 5:52 PM

Which bit in particular?

P.s. I see you are STILL ignoring all my posts and not reading ANY of them....

Your abuse of other posters.

Oh so you resort to calling someone a tit because you disagree?

Always with the name calling and insults ....

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