Chris Hallam
Thursday 8th August 2024 7:46pm
1,602 posts
Quote: Billy Bunter @ 8th August 2024, 7:13 PM
Really? I would have thought that those caught up in, and injured in, the riots over the past week might think otherwise. Figuratively speaking of course.
He also said, referencing the race riots in America that were rife at that time, "That tragic and intractable phenomenon which we watch with horror on the other side of the Atlantic but which there is interwoven with the history and existence of the States itself, is coming upon us here". I believe that, what happened here over the past week, was described by most media outlets and by the government to be "race riots".
I express no pleasure in his turning out to be correct. Just commenting on his foresight.
Magnanimous of you to say so. But, to be fair, you were being egged on by the media, and even the government, to believe that it was all part of some dastardly right-wing plot.
You yourself were endorsing the view that the rioters were not politically motivated at all. If they just fancied a riot just for the hell of it, I'm not sure that vindicates Powell's words either.
If Powell had actually said: "in nearly sixty years time, after decades of multiculturalism, there will be a few days of riots after Far Right groups exploit a tragedy " it wouldn't have had much impact. But it would have been more true.
Quote: Chappers @ 8th August 2024, 7:28 PM
OK well I haven't got time to read all of these posts.
Right I read the Daily Mail, I lean to the right but that doesn't make me racist. I'm also a Christian which also brings ridicule and you'll probably call me a hypocrite.
I abhor the violence of the last few days.
However we need to stop the boats. If the Government doesn't do something soon they'll continue to try to come lining the pockets of the criminals organising the crossings. The Government are cutting down sentences (what will happen to those thugs arrested in the last couple of days? Will they be let off early?).
There is no deterrent in coming here. We give them homes, money and phones. Yes I know they've probably come from hell holes (France?) but we just can't support unlimited numbers. And if just half a per cent of them are made fanatics we're in trouble. They make no secret of their hatred towards us and want Barbaric Sharia Law.
Yes you'll be saying this is just the ramblings of right winger but I'm scared for my children and grand children.
I'd be scared too if I believed everything in the Daily Mail. It specialises in scaring people.
Immigration numbers do need to be controlled, it's true. It'll get sorted eventually. No need to worry about Sharia Law etc
As shown this week, we are often our own worst enemy!