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I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,784

Quote: lofthouse @ 8th May 2024, 10:44 AM

Trump has referred to Biden as Obama by mistake on several occasions in his ridiculous speeches

He's just as senile

Which is exactly what I said of course:

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 8th May 2024, 8:40 AM

By the same token...

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 8th May 2024, 8:40 AM

equally horribly possibly

But which the post prior to mine had failed to convey

Quote: lofthouse @ 8th May 2024, 12:18 PM


Natalie Elphicke, the MP for Dover, has defected to the Labour Party. She crossed the floor of the Commons shortly before #PMQs began.

She said "many things have changed" since she joined the Tories in 2019, and now "the modern Labour Party looks to the future".

Once again:

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 27th April 2024, 7:48 PM

Just proves my point that there is no difference between the modern left of centre Conservative Party and the current left of centre Labour Party. (Or indeed the left of centre Lib Dems, SNP, Greens or Plaid Cymru).

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 8th May 2024, 1:44 PM

Once again:

Doesn't necessarily follow.

Hung parliament my left bollock

Westminster Voting Intention:

LAB: 48% (+4)

CON: 18% (=)

RFM: 13% (-2)

LDM: 9% (-1)

GRN: 7% (-1)

SNP: 3% (+1)

Via @YouGov, 7-8 May. Changes w/ 30 Apr - 1 May.

="Labour majority of 452 seats

Quote: lofthouse @ 8th May 2024, 12:18 PM


Natalie Elphicke, the MP for Dover, has defected to the Labour Party. She crossed the floor of the Commons shortly before #PMQs began.

She said "many things have changed" since she joined the Tories in 2019, and now "the modern Labour Party looks to the future".

I don't think you are getting any prize.


Should have told her where to go

Irate Tories may want to remember this too

Crossing the floor. Winston Churchill's dissatisfaction continued to grow and, on 31 May 1904 as Parliament resumed following its Whitsun recess, he crossed the floor of the House of Commons, defecting from the Conservatives to sit as a member of the Liberal Party. His cousin Ivor Guest followed him

Quote: Chris Hallam @ 8th May 2024, 10:12 AM

Do you honestly think the world would be safer with Trump as president again? How?

Obviously, no...

Maybe people don't want to converse with you because of your radicle unmovable stance.

Trump is for Donald J trump

That's it

He doesn't give a flying f**k about anybody else or anything else

Anyone with any sense can see that

P.s. the senile old bastard got his own sons age wrong in an interview the other day - so let's give him the nuke codes when we are already essentially at war with Russia

The war in Ukraine would probably stop because Trump and a lot of the MAGA Republican party (see Marjorie Taylor Greene for more details) are pro-Putin, so they'd probably stop all aid to Ukraine.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 10th May 2024, 8:15 AM

Maybe people don't want to converse with you because of your radicle unmovable stance.

Nothing "radicle" about it!
Maybe nobody has any good counter arguments?

Quote: Chris Hallam @ 8th May 2024, 10:12 AM

Do you honestly think the world would be safer with Trump as president again? How?

Quote: Chris Hallam @ 10th May 2024, 6:36 AM

Obviously, no...

Well, of course, nobody knows. Not even you (surprising as that may seem).

In fact, we won't even know after the event.

I think we could sensibly hazard a guess based on the evidence available. That's all we can ever do.

Well in his court case this week we learnt he had sex in a hotel room with a prolific porno actress he barely knew without wearing a condom

What kinda stupid bastard does that?

And then no doubt did the same to his wife after that, so putting her health in danger too

Yeah this piece of filth should defo be the most powerful man on the planet Earth

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