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I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,684

Is it just the Muslims? Labour is a big tent and as such reflects a lot of sections of society. So whilst I personally understand why the Jewish section of the Israeli population want revenge on Hamas. I cannot condone what they are doing to an entire population nor why people should stand silent or in many cases encourage them to breach international laws.
No one wants the likes of Hamas least of all I suspect the Palestinians but every attack and death in Gaza is acting like a recruiting sergeant across the world and Israel is in danger of losing all credibility as well as destabilising an already fragile world peace,
Talks not tanks is what's needed at this juncture.

The trouble with terrorist organizations is they hide amongst the general population, some of whom are complicit in their operations. So you'll always get 'collateral damage' if you attempt to root them out. They are obviously aware of this and play on it.

Israel bombed our hospital - are you sure?

You can't walk into a country and kill 1500 people and then say 'lets talk.
That ship has sailed.

Starmer, in my opinion, is making a pretty good fist of what is a near impossible job.
But at least he's trying to steer a path through it.
The extremes on both sides have a totally binary view of the situation - "Jews bad/Palestinians good" and [i]vice versa[/].
Sadly the people we don't hear from are the millions, Palestinians and Jews, who want a peaceful compromise.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 26th October 2023, 10:12 AM

Israel bombed our hospital - are you sure?

You can't walk into a country and kill 1500 people and then say 'lets talk.
That ship has sailed.

Yes, let's forget the atrocities you committed and all be friends again, like the family of five (father, mother, 2 very young sons and a teenage daughter) who were all tortured and then murdered (presumably one at a time in front of each other, knowing how sadistic these thugs are in Hamas) - the news report showed someone describing the horrific scene, but they said they couldn't allow the description of what they did to the daughter to be broadcast as it was too terrible.

These "things" are simply too inhuman to be allowed to partake in living on this planet - their purpose being to destroy all Jews, then start on any non-believers.

And that folks is what passes for a religion these days.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 24th October 2023, 8:21 AM

There are lots of people on YouTube who call themselves 'Auditors.
Not as in 'company auditor's - but police auditors.
They work under the banner called PINAC (photography is not a crime)

I'm all for weeding out the bad apples and some auditors are very good but some go out of their way to antagonise the police just to get a reaction so they can upload the footage to youtube and make money from it. One video shows someone walking up to a police officer minding her own business at the scene of a road collision and he starts insulting her trying to get a response. I can't stand morons like that but I love to see someone who knows their rights standing up to the police. I get that it's a right to film in a public place but police also have a duty to act when someone is acting suspicious and in this day and age with terrorism threats people should be discouraged from filming public buildings for no real purpose other than to try and piss someone off. The police have enough to deal with and are damned if they do and damned if they don't in that situation. Just because someone has a legal right to film in a public place doesn't mean they are immune from the police asking them questions if they appear suspicious in a public place.

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 25th October 2023, 7:36 PM

Of course you've rather disproved that theory by having recognised it as sarcasm.

Not many forum users have 34 years experience of using on-line forums, like me.
I've seen many cases where attempted sarcasm went wrong.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 26th October 2023, 10:12 AM

Israel bombed our hospital - are you sure?

You can't walk into a country and kill 1500 people and then say 'lets talk.
That ship has sailed.

The only ships that have sailed so far are two aircraft carriers and that can't be a good sign.
I fully agree that if they did it to us I would have a different tone, but they never so we can take the place of a peace maker.
I also agree that if they put the Hamas perpetrators up against a wall and shot them there would be no outcry as it would be a form of justice.
But what is happening here is not justice its mass retribution in which the innocent are being sacrificed in an attempt to also hit the guilty.
This matter will only escalate if there is no attempt to even start to mediate a way out of it.
Yes its easy for me to say because I am not burying my own, but at it stands both sides are burying their own and will continue to do so unless someone starts the process of finding a peaceful solution.
It won't be easy and it won't be fast but it needs to start because all I am seeing is dead bodies all over the shop on both sides and 2.2 million people in dire straits.

It's like Ireland.
You only get peace if both sides give a little bit more than they really want to - and ignore those who say "don't give an inch".
It takes the Queen of England shaking hands with the man who conspired to murder her Uncle.
And the head of a Rpublican movement shaking hands with the Head of State of a country that ground your country into the ground for centuries.

Hamas won't give an inch

They want Israel wiped off the map

No compromise with people like that

What about the Palestine people trapped between both sides?
You have to mediate or at least start the process by curtailing actions on both sides.

Quote: Teddy Paddalack @ 26th October 2023, 1:38 PM

What about the Palestine people trapped between both sides?
You have to mediate or at least start the process by curtailing actions on both sides.

Absolutely 100%

Israel has every right to obliterate these terrorists - every last f**king one of them

BUT it must be done in a way that abides by international laws

If they don't and thousands and thousands of Palestinians are massacred - Israel is no better than Hamas

PMSL! I bet they wish they hadn't bothered 🤣🤣🤣

"A poll commissioned by GB News put Labour's support nationally at 49 per cent with the Tories on 21 per cent

A devastating poll commissioned by GB News has put Labour almost thirty points ahead of the Conservatives, just days after Rishi Sunak faced a bruising double-defeat in the Mid Bedfordshire and Tamworth by-elections.

Labour's lead over the Conservatives now stands at 28 per cent, a new opinion from People Polling poll has found.

NEW: Labour lead by *28pts* (+4), majority of 406"

GBNews are in the back pocket of Reform UK.
It's to their advantage to show Conservative support crumbling - more votes for them.
I shouldn't imagine there's much gnashing of teeth behind the scenes at GBeebies.

Quote: Teddy Paddalack @ 26th October 2023, 8:54 AM

No one wants the likes of Hamas least of all I suspect the Palestinians

I suspect you suspect incorrectly. Hamas are terrorists who are dedicated to destroying Israel and enjoy great support - even in the West, as we've seen in recent days. A group that literally celebrates and idolizes those who murder innocent civilians cannot be reasoned with, and the only language they'll understand is extreme force.

The world as a whole needs to put the screws to Iran, as this is all their doing.

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