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I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,625

They may need to keep the green man showing for longer on pedestrian crossings

Cos Brits are too slow n lazy to get their fat asses across the zebra crossing in time

When I saw a man on the news still happy to fly out to Rhodes on the say so of an 18 year old agency worker in a Hi Viz vest. I thought to myself he sums up the situation at the moment perfectly. Some people have reached the point where they are not prepared to listen to anything that doesn't suit them and in the face of clearly verifiable facts.
I hope he has a safe holiday and that he still has an eyebrow to arch when he gets back.

Quote: Teddy Paddalack @ 25th July 2023, 12:16 AM

Some people have reached the point where they are not prepared to listen to anything that doesn't suit them


Quote: DaButt @ 23rd July 2023, 4:19 PM

There's nothing strategic about throwing wave after wave of convicts in suicidal charges for a year...

Wagner would agree, as they've been critical of Putins strategy. They've also proved themselves tactically. What is it with Russian Presidents and human sacrifice ? In WW1 their under-equipped army famously lost 1 in 4 of all that died in WW1. Arguably close to 20 million Russians died under Stalin.

Why can't Putin just build a Pyramid or a bigger wall than Trump's ? By Putins own admission, he's been outmanoeuvred by a "clown in a green shirt" . Comedians 1 KGB 0

Quote: Teddy Paddalack @ 25th July 2023, 12:16 AM

Some people have reached the point where they are not prepared to listen to anything that doesn't suit them and in the face of clearly verifiable facts.

I think the problem is that, for some people, not believing scientists/experts has become a defining characteristic.
A point of principle, a supposed indication of independent thinking.
In a world where, if truth be told, we're in control of very little, they feel this is something at least they have a grasp on.
Such people are ripe for exploitation.
I'm not sure the people who are the source of all this disinformation even believe it themselves - it just suits their agenda.
Almost exclusively on the fringe, once they can produce that little crack of doubt they can crowbar their way in - gaining way more influence than they have any right to.
And of course, once you, the rube, have committed yourself to the path of the unbeliever and the anti-expert, it's a bit of a climbdown to accept you might be wrong.
Better to be certain of one thing in this world, at least.

Fazakerly !
(Scouse way of saying exactly)

It's called an open mind.
For every expert's prediction or 'fact - there is a counter-prediction by another expert.

The mass of people who believe one side, try to snuff out any other.

The world has been in danger since I was a kid - the experts said so.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 25th July 2023, 11:39 AM

It's called an open mind.
For every expert's prediction or 'fact - there is a counter-prediction by another expert.

The mass of people who believe one side, try to snuff out any other.

That's just not true.
In most cases there is a majority position in favour of, what I'll rather presumptuously call, the 'science'.
97% to 3% in favour of man-made climate change is one example.
Just because there are voices on both sides does not mean both sides have equal weight.

You are trying right here to quell any other opinion.
Have an opinion by all means - that's your right but yours always come with a portion of 'if you believe anything else, you're an idiot.

But you're giving a false equivalence to the two positions - like it's a 50/50 ball.
Would you grant a Flat-Earther the same leeway you are allowing yourself?

Quote: Lazzard @ 25th July 2023, 12:01 PM

But you're giving a false equivalence to the two positions - like it's a 50/50 ball.
Would you grant a Flat-Earther the same leeway you are allowing yourself?

But at one time the "experts" were adamant that the world was flat. So another "expert" opinion ultimately disproved.

At one time people believed man couldn't cause climate changed.
That has since been disproved.
Science advances - it rarely regresses.

Mix up apparently

Lee originally thought he was applying for the role of Village Idiot, not the local MP

Absolute wazzock

I only realised the other day that Lee Anderson looks like Derek Acorah. That's breaking news.

Quote: Lazzard @ 25th July 2023, 1:31 PM

At one time people believed man couldn't cause climate changed.
That has since been disproved.
Science advances - it rarely regresses.

As you rightly say science advances. I couldn't have put it better myself. It never stops advancing. Just because a theory is flavour of the month today, it doesn't mean that the same theory will still be in vogue tomorrow.

I remember when going to work on an egg was good for you, then it wasn't, then it was again. I remember when doctors promoted certain brands of cigarettes. Then they stopped doing so. I remember when all computers were going to stop working on 1 January 2000. I'm still using one 23 years later. I remember when prescribing Thalidomide to pregnant women was the way forward. I remember when diesel cars were the clean option.

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