British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,615

I did not see the Perv at the Beeb story taking a turn like this. Looks like Murdoch and the Beeb will be going head to head. I hope the Beeb are innocent and that Sun is finally brought down for its lies which stretch back and back.
Lets wait and see, the Beeb are no saints but lets have it right the Sun is the only toilet paper that comes with the shit already on it.

If the Sun had such an airtight story they would surely have named the presenter.

I'm sorry , but anyone who actually purchases copies of The Sun newspaper , like actually handing money over for it - is a cretin

It's absolutely pathetic

I hope one day it will go the same way as The News of the World

Loos like the Sun had the story in May and ran it instead as the deadline to Johnsons unredacted Whatsapps messages were released by the Cabinet Office that is presuming they did so? Not to mention Sunak spent the day with the President of America and its just about in the main body of the news . I'm not suggesting dead cats. more like fruitfully Dead Moggies.

Is the same Sun that published topless photos of a 16 year old girl?
Just checking.

Whilst praising her for dropping her A Levels as well as dropping her top.

What do they say - 'Don't shoot the messenger.
That is unless you despise the messenger then you can ignore the message.

8 million cretins read it every day Lofthouse

Yep millions of morons

Complete idiots each and everyone of them

I had to buy a copy for my Nana once, so humiliating that anyone could witness me buying that garbage in the newsagent

In the end I slipped it between the pages of my copy of Razzle so nobody would see and think i was A FUCKING IMBECILE

Some think that!

Odysseus ?!!


Another fantastic DPMqs today

Dowden accusing Rayner of auditioning for John Prescotts old job for some bizarre reason

Especially as she is already in that particular job ...

So yeah... hysterical mate

Good grief

I knuw it

Huw Edwards wife has named him in a bid to salvage what is left of her families life. Currently as it stands he is guilty of piss poor judgement and infidelity. But if he wants to spend his wages on dancing teenagers on My Space and the plod are happy that it was legit then the only crime in the story is the actions of the Sun.

Old Bill have said no crime was committed.
Huw Edwards has been, though.
Long stay apparently.

Look, we either think paying to see people get their kit off is OK, or we don't.
If we think it isn't - make it illegal.
If we're fine with it, don't hound people for doing it.
I don't mind either way.

Well, I'm utterly gobsmacked. If you'd given me a thousand guesses, he would be the last person I would have thought of.

I believe he was a key feature of the Queen's funeral and Charles' coronation, so wouldn't the BBC have known about this then?

And if they, and subsequently the police thought no law had been broken, why all the hoo-hah.

Also, to me it smacks of her parents trying to make a fast buck and having the situation blow back in their faces, as the "child" (**really?) now 20 says in effect, it's all a storm in a teacup. Shame on the Sun and the parents, who should now be questioned for wasting everyone's time.

**For five years this girl had been a teenager, but now something like this is reported, and suddenly she is a child. Make yer f**king minds up.

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