British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,614

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 9th July 2023, 12:40 PM

I don't see many kids arriving in boats.

Oh, I see.
So it was because the murals were inappropriate for an adult audience that he had them painted over?
Thanks for clearing that up, Steve.
And there was me thinking it was the action of a heartless prick.

When you find yourself defending, or even excusing, this sort of appalling behaviour, you know you've picked the wrong side.


I don't think it was the work of the Nazis to cover up the murals. It's simply an indication that the Tories are very wary about optics as are their Spads. They fully understand that the boat issue is red meat to people who respond to images and sound bites, not detail.
Stephen I have no doubt that many are economic migrants, but would you hire one that waited till they where on the UK coast before they threw their ID in the water and laughed on camera? I'd be hiring the one who had the wherewithal to dump their ID in international waters and then had the good sense to look sullen when rescued.

Of course they only agreed to carry on the free school meals to our own children after a bloody football player embarrassed them into a u turn

So we shouldn't really be surprised

Let's face it, if this lot had their way , kids would still be getting bunged up chimneys to earn their keep 😋

SG on the Kent coast...


The Illegal Migration Bill will change the law to make it unambiguously clear that, if you enter the UK illegally, you should not be able to remain here. Instead, you will be detained and promptly removed either to your home country or to a safe country where any asylum claim will be considered. You will no longer be able to frustrate removal attempts with late or spurious legal challenges or appeals, and once removed, you will have no right to re-entry, settlement or citizenship.

The only way to come to the UK for asylum will be through safe and legal routes and, as we get a grip on illegal migration, we will create more of those routes. We will work with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to identify those who are most in need so that the UK remains a safe haven for the most vulnerable. We will also introduce an annual cap on numbers, set by Parliament in consultation with local authorities to determine our capacity, and amendable in the face of humanitarian emergencies.


"The only way to come to the UK for asylum will be through safe and legal routes and, as we get a grip on illegal migration, we will create more of those routes."

No they won't.
And it won't work, anyway (How's Rwanda going?)
It won't even get them re-elected - which of course is the primary objective.
Still, if it gives some people pleasure....

Given what has been 'Covered Up' I can't help but wonder why the head of the BBC has not stood down or had his head called for? Strange that, I thought the 100, 000 Bucks stopped with him.

It is gaining traction. The BBC covering up until they are forced to come clean.
They are causing more harm than good as lots of its stars are having to say 'It isn't me.
He has been suspended and still they won't say.

Ooer, police called in, so it should be public domain soon (?) and then we'll all know, but I'm sure our Entertainment Correspondent Lazz will know who it is - perhaps he'll enlighten us with his scoop. 😊

Am I the only one who doesn't give a flying f**k who this presenter is?

By the way, doesn't Robert Jenrick's bland, expressionless face remind you of a minor Nazi bureaucrat? The one in charge of sorting out the gold teeth, perhaps.

One positive that might come from all this is that a bunch of those falsely 'outed' by internet trolls are thinking of suing the odd arse or two - with the money going to charity.
Whether this actually happens, we'll have to wait and see, but it would be good to see some of these cowardly keyboard warriors (mostly with an anti-BBC grudge) get a bit of a comeuppance.,

Quote: beaky @ 10th July 2023, 9:55 AM

By the way, doesn't Robert Jenrick's bland, expressionless face remind you of a minor Nazi bureaucrat? The one in charge of sorting out the gold teeth, perhaps.

There was one that famously forbade the camp prisoners from keeping pets.
I reckon he'd be that one.

I think I might know who it is

Not saying of course...

A bit of delving and one name keeps coming up.
His salary was mentioned on a news program and that narrowed it down.

Quote: lofthouse @ 10th July 2023, 10:40 AM

I think I might know who it is

Not saying of course...


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