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I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,606

Quote: Lazzard @ 25th June 2023, 10:34 AM

Not sure the answer to a 5 mile tailback on the M6 is enforced euthanasia, though.

So typical of you sneering lefties

Quote: lofthouse @ 25th June 2023, 12:01 PM

So typical of you sneering lefties

"Let the bodies pile high!"

Quote: Lazzard @ 25th June 2023, 10:15 AM

I guess it's more about fiddling about at the edges as opposed to getting it right in the first place, so they're constantly running
inefficiently. Western European motorways - are superb.

Not really any Govts fault, the M roads were more than adequate for the time and built with the future expansion of traffic very much in the planning. But no one told them in 40 years time, half of Eastern Europe would be arriving here over a very short period.

Well that's the most serious and extensive type of fiddling at the edges I've seen then, some parts of these roads have expanded by four lanes, two each way. The consensus now is that their mad conversion to 'smart motorways' on the roads I mentioned and use has had the complete opposite effect to the one intended and are dangerous. There's more road space but because there's been an increase in traffic on them there are even more hold ups than before because those bloody digital message boards are forever telling you to slow down, and you mostly never see the physical reason for it.

Ask anyone who's been using the roads for work over the last 30 odd years and I'm sure they'll tell you that the last ten years have been generally horrendous, with some sections of the M25 unusable at peak times, as are the M4 and 40 into London. Thank God I don't have to do that tedious journey anymore, and I've heard it's getting worse.

Quote: Lazzard @ 25th June 2023, 10:15 AM

Western European motorways - are superb.

The last time I drove there was in Spain about 15 years ago, sat in a motorway queue for so long I abandoned the day trip I was making and headed back to the hotel.

And it wasn't peak Season, it was mid to late September.

The resident francophile will tell you everything is lovely in LaLa land.

I'm glad I live nowhere near the smoke.
Rand 'ere, Traffic jams are minor and only at rush hour.
The immigrants - legal or not are far and few between and the ones I have spoken to seem nice people.

Quote: Chris Hallam @ 25th June 2023, 7:42 AM

Do you have a source for this bit of info? Not saying it's wrong but just want to see the evidence. Thanks!

I heard that on Radio 4 Today some time this year and a bit later saw a news item again probably BBC where an AA or similar spokesman was saying the same thing. The only thing in print I can find is a BBC news - England article dated 20/1/16 headling 'cars on England's roads are increasing by 600, 000 a year,' and goes on to say the rate has gone from 21million cars in 1995 to 31m in those 20 years, which is an even greater increase than I heard and stated, so perhaps it's slowed slightly since Brexit.

My simple conclusion based on the acknowledged exponential rise in road traffic - of course an extra 6 million or more British residents since 2004 is a major part of this increase and bluntly, when you use the roads daily you see and hear how many are from eastern europe, it's quite obvious.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 25th June 2023, 1:09 PM

The immigrants - legal or not are far and few between and the ones I have spoken to seem nice people.

Typical of you sneering lefties

Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ 25th June 2023, 1:13 PM

... so perhaps it's slowed slightly since Brexit.

Unlikely, surely, if your immigration theory has any foundation in truth, as immigration has increased since Brexit.

No it's highly likely. The new immigration has come from outside the EU so they can only use their foreign licences for 12 months before they have to pass a full 2 part British driving test for a UK licence if they want to continue driving here. The Brexit deal continued the allowance of EU licences for life, basically the same as ours for cars at least, as long you renew it at 70 and every 3 years after.

It's one reason why there is a lucrative criminal market for mainly Asian and African immigrants paying for others to take their theory tests, but it has seemed to slow the mad rate of new road users down, although to little effect in the long term, with the transport focus still on road travel and the population growing.

Oh that's what you always say

Been a dull few days, no new Tory sleaze stories

Maybe tomorrow..

Oh hang on

Stop Press!

Tory mayoral candidate Daniel Korski denies groping TV producer Daisy Goodwin

The TV producer, who was behind the hit show Victoria, wrote in the Times that at the end of a meeting "the spad [special advisor] stepped towards me and suddenly put his hand on my breast".

"Astonished, I said loudly, 'Are you really touching my breast?' The spad sprang away from me and I left."

It is not the first time Ms Goodwin has spoken about the incident, but she said that she now wanted to name Mr Korski given the fact he was in the running to become the Conservative mayoral candidate.

Yay another Tory titty toucher

Nigel Farage was booed by a section of the audience when given his award for best news presenter of the year at the TRIC awards.
(we know what section) But he said - keep on booing, it says more about you than me.

He's a bit of a one TRIC pony, I reckon.

Farage loves being booed because it plays into his brand of grievance politics. He's a victimhood junkie.

Another fantastic tory privatisation success story - water

We get SHIT pumped into our rivers and water ways

Thames Water has amassed debts of 14 BILLION pounds

And our bills are going up by 40% next year to sort out the mess

And not one of these gutless blue buffoons has the balls to stand up and admit it was yet another catastrophic privatisation cock up

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