British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,587

Unless there is more. Apparently the super injunction ends soon and the cynic in me thinks this is all a preemptive smoke screen.

Trying to muster up the tiniest of f**ks to give about some TV celeb's domestic arrangements.
But failing abysmally.

Quote: lofthouse @ 2nd June 2023, 8:00 PM

Boris Johnson blundered into a crucial Brexit trade deal concession with Australia over a chaotic dinner with prime minister Scott Morrison at No 10, it was claimed today.
He was bounced into signing a disastrous post-Brexit agreement after the Australians seized on a schoolboy howler over meat import quotas during negotiations.

And surrounded as we are by small-scale beef herders and Welsh hill farms (the ones that produce quality, sustainable product), my neighbours are starting to wonder whether they've been stitched up by the very people who told them to vote Leave in order to "save British farming".

And Saville was only having a bit of fun.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 3rd June 2023, 9:56 AM

And Saville was only having a bit of fun.

You obviously know something we don't.

Another person - killed by a f**king pet dog

When is this government going to do something about this ffs?

70 year old woman mauled to death by an illegal breed

They should stick the owners in jail for murder

Stupid bastards

Seems to happen several times a week!
Man's best friend.

Odd that Geraint Davies MP has not warranted a mention on this thread.

You just did!

He does seem a bit of a weirdo

Enquiry and get him binned if he's guilty

Starmer won't f**k about with clowns like that

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 3rd June 2023, 7:14 PM

Odd that Geraint Davies MP has not warranted a mention on this thread.

He's 108 on the Labour popularity/fame lists. Only 3 newish names in their top 25, they need to cultivate some personalities, they're very vague at the moment.

Breaking news: Martin Brundle under fire for calling a man from China a Chinaman.

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 4th June 2023, 9:07 PM

Breaking news: Martin Brundle under fire for calling a man from China a Chinaman.


Oh I am offended... I said so last night while having a chinky for tea.

Should have said Chinaperson surely? ;)

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 4th June 2023, 9:07 PM

Breaking news: Martin Brundle under fire for calling a man from China a Chinaman.

WTF is he then?

Quote: lofthouse @ 3rd June 2023, 11:28 AM

Another person - killed by a f**king pet dog

When is this government going to do something about this ffs?

70 year old woman mauled to death by an illegal breed

They should stick the owners in jail for murder

Stupid bastards

You often see these arrogant tossers with their four legged weapons. Something needs to be done.

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 3rd June 2023, 7:14 PM

Odd that Geraint Davies MP has not warranted a mention on this thread.

Yes. Funny the way this only seems to work one way.

Quote: Chappers @ 5th June 2023, 4:31 PM

You often see these arrogant tossers with their four legged weapons

And the higher IQ is at the lower end of the lead.

Quote: fasty @ 5th June 2023, 7:35 PM

And the higher IQ is at the lower end of the lead.

They're not always on leads though.

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