British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,573

He's so bad, he's affected interest rates in other countries too - even the USA.

And theirs is now down to 4%+

You sure about that?

US is actually 4.9%

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 11th May 2023, 1:34 PM

You sure about that?


Quote: lofthouse @ 11th May 2023, 11:12 AM

And interest rates are still at 10% - and it's not even his f**king governments job anyway - it's the BOE who will be responsible for getting the rate down

Quote: lofthouse @ 11th May 2023, 1:28 PM

And theirs is now down to 4%+

I think you're confusing interest rates with inflation rates.

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 11th May 2023, 3:08 PM

I think you're confusing interest rates with inflation rates.

On the bright side, he can always get a job with Kwasi Kwarteng.

Yep yep I meant the rate of inflation

Anyway BOE say the governments target probably won't be reached until 2025

So basically a few months after Sunak has packed his incredibly expensive designer bags and gotten the fk out of number 10

I see we have given Ukraine long range cruise missiles to fight Russia

Long enough range to reach targets within Russia

If one lands in Russia killing countless Russian civilians....

Oh boy

Very funny watching House of Commons Speaker, Lindsay Hoyle, giving Kemi Badenoch a bollocking in the House of Commons.

It's about time he grew a pair.

Liverpool council has really embraced this European Song Contest, they have put on all sorts of side events and really spruced up the city. I go into town every day now for Radiation Therapy and it is beyond vibrant, despite it adding an hour to the journey.
If it goes as well as they plan it will be a great advert for tourism and a feather in our cap on the world stage.
I've always seen the show as being mostly well enjoyed nonsense for Eurotrash luvvies but commercially I had no idea how big it is.
Liverpool is awash with even more tourists than normal and if reports are to be believed it cost a grand a night for a basic bedroom on Air BnB.
I hope it goes well as it will strengthen the positive image of the city as a tourist destination.

You can't help but enjoy the exuberance of the whole thing.
Not a fan of the music - but some of the staging is spectacular.
Good positive messages on inclusivity etc
Personally, I think gay people should be in charge of everything!

Hope you're faring well, Teddy.

Not bad thanks , I keep an eye on the page from time to time and I just thought I would share an little upbeat news story as they are thin on the ground of late,

Hope you're doing okay, Teddy. And it does look like being a great weekend for Liverpool. And fitting that Paul O'Grady's last tv appearance was for Eurovision.

Thanks Chip. As for Paul the only saving grace is that he never had to feel 'Butch' in Liverpool because going by some of the sights I've seen in the last few days the people in town at the moment would make him look like Rambo.
But yes his pre recorded message was poignant.

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