British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,552

Quote: lofthouse @ 23rd March 2023, 4:03 PM

A kangaroo court

Where the Tory mp's on the committee outnumbered those of other parties

Actually, I thought the Tory members of the Committee landed more blows than the others.
They want him gone.
He was a useful idiot in 2019 but he's a bit of an embarrassment now.
Especially with Mogg, Mad Nads and Mark Francois's Barmy Army as his cheerleaders - they're all a bit of a liability.

Well for obvious reasons I think Harmon held back a bit

Did you check that big f**k off necklace she was wearing?

Like she's in NWA or something!

What on earth are you on about, you silly man?

Ridicule is the first and last argument of a fool.

15 all

Ha! Ha!

Quote: Lazzard @ 23rd March 2023, 10:25 PM

Ha! Ha!

Hand picked woke liberal lefty audience!

Trans women can't participate in women's sport.
It stops the 4X4 women's relay race from being embarrassing at baton change.

People have finally had enough of Johnson's shtick.
Martin Rowson, the Guardian cartoonist, told me he was a nightmare to work for when editor of the Spectator, never making his mind up in his familiar bumbling way.
Rowson: "For God's sake stop playing this ridiculous P G Wodehouse character."
Johnson: (suddenly cold and unbumbling) "Why? It's stood me in very good stead up until now."

I was listening to someone on the radio yesterday about Johnson

He said the first time he saw him at some public event he was speaking at (years and years ago) he went through this sort of routine where he ruffled all his hair up before going on, then kept saying things like "where am I?" , "what's this all about again?"

Ya know, trying to be all bumbling and shambling , almost like Norman Wisdom or something

Anyway, this same geezer was at another event six months later and Johnson came on and repeated the exact same 'routine' - word for word, action for action

And he thought, wow it's not just his natural persona, it's literally some performance that he has worked out and probably rehearsed!


I think it's wise King charlie has cancelled his visit to France

The way it's going over there he could have ended up on a guillotine

Death to the Aristos!!!

Quote: lofthouse @ 24th March 2023, 11:24 AM

I was listening to someone on the radio yesterday about Johnson

He said the first time he saw him at some public event he was speaking at (years and years ago) he went through this sort of routine where he ruffled all his hair up before going on, then kept saying things like "where am I?" , "what's this all about again?"

Ya know, trying to be all bumbling and shambling , almost like Norman Wisdom or something

Anyway, this same geezer was at another event six months later and Johnson came on and repeated the exact same 'routine' - word for word, action for action

And he thought, wow it's not just his natural persona, it's literally some performance that he has worked out and probably rehearsed!


Wasn't there a clip of him saying something that basically boils down to "chatting nonsensical shit was a good tactic"?

I'll have to find it.

What sort of demented lunatic would hold a rally in Waco, on the anniversary of the Waco massacre?

Oh yeah, that demented lunatic

Quote: lofthouse @ 25th March 2023, 12:34 PM

What sort of demented lunatic would hold a rally in Waco, on the anniversary of the Waco massacre?

Someone planning to run for office against the party that perpetrated the massacre? It's a powerful reminder of how ruthless the government can be when it considers you a threat.

Quote: lofthouse @ 25th March 2023, 12:34 PM

What sort of demented lunatic would hold a rally in Waco, on the anniversary of the Waco massacre?

If I had to guess, I'd say it's to stir up trouble, by tacitly siding with an armed militia cult against the government.

Quote: DaButt @ 25th March 2023, 12:42 PM

Someone planning to run for office against the party that perpetrated the massacre? It's a powerful reminder of how ruthless the government can be when it considers you a threat.

You're right, Trump himself used troops against protestors in on US soil. A powerful reminder of how ruthless the government can be when it considers you a threat.

Quote: chipolata @ 25th March 2023, 12:58 PM

You're right, Trump himself used troops against protestors in on US soil. A powerful reminder of how ruthless the government can be when it considers you a threat.

Did his troops kill 82 Americans, including 28 children?

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