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I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,551

Quote: lofthouse @ 21st March 2023, 6:35 PM

Still no news of trump being arrested yet... gutted

Your eagerness to see the country join the ranks of those where former leaders are jailed on political charges is something that I don't share. Once we go down that road, there's no turning back. But if we're taking suggestions for decades-after-the-fact charges, I'll nominate President Franklin Roosevelt for throwing almost 100,000 American citizens into internment camps during WWII based upon nothing more than their race.

Quote: DaButt @ 22nd March 2023, 12:24 AM

Your eagerness to see the country join the ranks of those where former leaders are jailed on political charges is something that I don't share. Once we go down that road, there's no turning back.

"Lock her up!" because she's a woman and a Democrat, the bitch.

Inciting a deadly riot? That's just ignorance.

Quote: DaButt @ 22nd March 2023, 12:24 AM

Your eagerness to see the country join the ranks of those where former leaders are jailed on political charges is something that I don't share. Once we go down that road, there's no turning back. But if we're taking suggestions for decades-after-the-fact charges, I'll nominate President Franklin Roosevelt for throwing almost 100,000 American citizens into internment camps during WWII based upon nothing more than their race.

In other words, American presidents should be completely above the law, but especially if they belong to the party you happen to support. And before you get the violins out for Trumps, he adores this stuff because it allows him to play the 'poor poor pitiful me' card, 'I'm being being persecuted by the hard left and evil wokerati!' And the more he plays it, the more he scams his supporters out of money.

Gotta love the French

Riots in the streets because the pension age is going up to SIXTY FOUR?!?!

I understand that Boris wandered into a room full of workmates having cheese and wine during covid lock-downs and as pictures show, he joined them for a while.
But to the average man - the workplace rules were vague. The so called 'bubble was even stranger.
It's been normal for others to just get a fine, pay it and be done with it. But somewhere along the line it definitely changed into a witch hunt with an agenda.

It's not about what he did, or did not do re parties.
That's not in question.
He was found to be in breach by the police, and was duly fined.
It's about whether he knowingly mis-led parliament afterwards.
This is considered a big deal by MP's.
The Committee is majority Tory, so he has a fighting chance.
Then MP's get to decide what the punishment should be.

A smack on the botty then
Oh no, that's not allowed anymore.

Bojo has to swear on a Bible before he gives evidence....


I bet he has his fingers crossed behind his back

If he told me the sky was blue I would have to double check

In other news, there is no crime in this country now according to the PM - it's all been eradicated - phew!

In other news, all the other stuff, the stuff that is broken and doesn't work - that's all someone else's fault, mainly Labour

Quote: Kenneth @ 22nd March 2023, 5:47 AM

"Lock her up!" because she's a woman and a Democrat, the bitch.

Another example of an attempted weaponization of our legal system, and they're all uniformly bad. It had nothing to do wither her gender and everything to do with the fact that highly classified documents were carelessly transmitted and stored on unsecured devices. I don't believe her actions were egregious enough to result in an arrest. Still, she should have been punished like any other cleared individual for mishandling classified material: she should have lost her security clearance. You'll note that former president Trump and President Biden have also been found to have mishandled classified documents, but only Trump was subjected to an FBI raid of his residence.

Quote: Kenneth @ 22nd March 2023, 5:47 AM

Inciting a deadly riot? That's just ignorance.

He called for a peaceful protest. It might be considered incitement, but violence and illegal behavior was not called for. I guess the riot could be called "deadly" since one person died, but that person was an unarmed female Trump supporter, and she was shot and killed by a member of the Capitol police force.

Quote: chipolata @ 22nd March 2023, 6:45 AM

In other words, American presidents should be completely above the law, but especially if they belong to the party you happen to support.

Not at all; in fact, I was arguing the exact opposite. I do not want the weaponization of our legal system to be used to influence our elections.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I don't like Donald Trump, and I don't want him to even run for reelection, much less become president again. Democrats, Republicans, and the press should ignore Trump and his blathering. Deprive him of the oxygen of publicity that he so desperately craves.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 22nd March 2023, 12:48 PM

A smack on the botty then
Oh no, that's not allowed anymore.

Quite possibly.
If the Committee goes for "wilfully" misleading, then there could be a ten-day suspension which, in turn, could lead to a by-election.
But I think the feeling amongst Tories is that they've chucked him out once, no need to do it again.
Unless, of course, he gets difficult about the N. I. Protocol - in which case they might give him another shoe-ing.
Typically, we won't find out for months.

Quote: lofthouse @ 22nd March 2023, 12:55 PM


I used to like his Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport.

For some reason we don't hear it much any more.

After yesterday' performance, you'd like to think Boris was toast.
He's a slippery bugger, though....

Who'd like to think?
You and your cronies only.
Those sat in the cheaps seats at the back constantly making noise...

"My cronies?"
What on earth are you on about, you silly man?
Anyway, those in the expensive seats (ie the committee) didn't seem particularly impressed.
I think, in the end however, you'll probably get your wish - he'll get away with it.

A kangaroo court

Where the Tory mp's on the committee outnumbered those of other parties

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