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I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,532

Quote: lofthouse @ 21st February 2023, 11:02 PM

Is the country in such a mess we can't even grow our own tomatoes?

We have to rely on Spain?

My dad grows 'em in his bloody greenhouse, can't be that hard!


Quote: lofthouse @ 21st February 2023, 11:02 PM

Is the country in such a mess we can't even grow our own tomatoes?

We have to rely on Spain?

My dad grows 'em in his bloody greenhouse, can't be that hard!

Not between October and March he doesn't.
We've always relied on S. Europe for tender veg in the winter months.
British framers are reluctant to start heating their greenhouses too early - even more so now, with the price of energy in the UK, which is significantly higher than the EU.
They could produce - but at such a high farm-gate price that the supermarkets wouldn't buy their produce (and the consumer probably wouldn't either).
Bad weather has hit Spanish growers, but they're managing to stock mainland Europe - no empty shelves over there.
Shipping to the UK has become much more bothersome (and costly) so I guess they don't feel the need to go the extra mile for a nation that's turned it's back on them.
Brexit aside - which isn't the only issue by a long chalk - we need to start eating seasonally again.
Food in season tastes better and is cheaper - because there is, by definition, a glut.
We need to start paying farmers properly - not shafting them with dodgy overseas trade deals.
We need to ditch our obsession with 'perfect' fruit and veg - and show a bit of pride and buy stuff grown locally,
You wouldn't catch a Frenchman buying beans from Kenya if there were French ones on the shelf, that's for sure.

My toms have just got going - not sure I'll be able to help out Morrison's for a week or two.


Panic over - Therese Coffey says we can simply substitute tomatoes with turnips.
Enjoying a cheese and turnip sandwich as we speak.

Quote: Aaron @ 24th February 2023, 12:32 PM

And I thought Brexit would only set us back 50 years...

Like Baldrick, one day I hope to be able to afford a large turnip in the country

Quote: Lazzard @ 24th February 2023, 12:12 PM

Panic over - Therese Coffey says we can simply substitute tomatoes with turnips.

Which is basically what you said yourself:

Quote: Lazzard @ 22nd February 2023, 10:09 AM

Not between October and March he doesn't.
we need to start eating seasonally again.
Food in season tastes better and is cheaper - because there is, by definition, a glut.

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 24th February 2023, 1:00 PM

Which is basically what you said yourself:

The difference is on the continent they have the choice.
They have turnips and tomatoes.
I'm all for seasonal veg - but there are times when only a tomato will do.
And I'm not sure I want my choices forced on me by an incompetent government.

Well that's very odd. One minute you're saying we need to start eating seasonally again because it tastes better and is cheaper and then, when a government minister says the same thing, you decide you want fruit & veg out of season after all.

They also pay much more on the continent, which all commentators this week have recognised and noted as the real reason many of their shelves remain well-stocked.

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 24th February 2023, 1:33 PM

Well that's very odd. One minute you're saying we need to start eating seasonally again because it tastes better and is cheaper and then, when a government minister says the same thing, you decide you want fruit & veg out of season after all.

Missing the point by a country mile (on purpose needles to say - I know you're not stupid).
You're presenting a false dichotomy.
It's possible to have both.
You can have a healthy, nay patriotic, respect for your home produced product, best eaten in season for all the above reasons.
You can also have access to out-of-season produce.
Then you decide what to buy.
Like they can on the continent.
Her 'turnips' comment was in answer to a question about food shortages.
She was trying, as ever, to shift the blame onto the public - and away from her incompetent government and the blindingly obvious cause of the shortages.

Quote: Aaron @ 24th February 2023, 1:37 PM

They also pay much more on the continent, which all commentators this week have recognised and noted as the real reason many of their shelves remain well-stocked.

As you should for out-of-season produce.

Quote: Lazzard @ 24th February 2023, 1:51 PM

the blindingly obvious cause of the shortages.

Which is?

Due to lower harvest is Spain, the EU is relying on more toms from Morocco.
Morocco is choosing to sell to their larger trading partner, the EU, over the UK.
We have no direct route to Morocco anyway - we always used to rely on European wholesalers.
Supply lines are now more complicated and irksome - and we're at the back of the queue.
And on Aaron's point, europeans - certainly our near neighbours - have always paid higher food prices.
So that's not the reason.
And weather issues have regularly affected harvests in the past, without leading to the kind of shortages we're now seeing.

Yes but we will only struggle to get tomatoes for about ten years , once all the brexit teething problems are ironed out

Then we will be good to go

People just need to show some bloody patience for crying out sodding loud 🙄

Quote: Lazzard @ 24th February 2023, 2:10 PM

Due to lower harvest is Spain, the EU is relying on more toms from Morocco.
Morocco is choosing to sell to their larger trading partner, the EU, over the UK.
We have no direct route to Morocco anyway - we always used to rely on European wholesalers.
Supply lines are now more complicated and irksome - and we're at the back of the queue.
And on Aaron's point, europeans - certainly our near neighbours - have always paid higher food prices.
So that's not the reason.
And weather issues have regularly affected harvests in the past, without leading to the kind of shortages we're now seeing.

Come on Lazzard, you're not that stupid.

If you have a product that is in limited supply, do you give what stock you do have to the person who pays you £10 for it, or the person who pays you £2?

It's got almost sweet FA to do with Brexit. Every commentator on every news channel/broadcast and in every publication - except, I suppose, for the unhinged contributors of The New European - have acknowledged this. Stop peddling your prejudices.

The problem is Spain had no autumn, and it has snowed in Morocco in recent weeks.

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