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I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,530

Quote: Teddy Paddalack @ 10th February 2023, 11:40 AM

Apparently tobacco smuggling in Ipswich has led to its last tobacconists having to close its doors for good on Saturday.

That was a lovely shop too - such a shame. Frequented it for many years when I was a smoker.

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 10th February 2023, 9:59 AM

A bit of local news.................

A very large WWII bomb found in Great Yarmouth, which has now been in situ for 4 days, and this morning "they" are going to look at the progress made. What f**king progress?

The whole community in that area has been cleared and all businesses closed, with some people losing £thousands, and it seems to me, the powers that be couldn't give a toss.

How many bomb disposal people does it take to change a light bulb.

Probably been in situ a bit longer than 4 days if the truth be known.

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 10th February 2023, 1:22 PM

Probably been in situ a bit longer than 4 days if the truth be known.

From the Eastern Daily Press...........

Andrew Fakes, president of the Great Yarmouth Local History and Archaeological Society, believes he has pinpointed the Luftwaffe raid on which the bomb was dropped.
I'm saying nothing about who this man is

According to his findings, it most likely ended up in its watery resting place at the bottom of the Yare on the evening of April 9, 1941, one of several attacks on the town by German bombers during the war.
He recalls being told by a member of the Home Guard how six bombs fell into the water that night, only five of which exploded.
Mr Fakes said: "I recall an anecdote told to me by the late Robert Postle, who was a teenage member of the Home Guard and a 'Fire Watcher' before joining the Royal Air Force.

Don't panic!!

Phew! It blew up on it's own, where it was found, and no one was hurt as it was a robot that was poking it with a stick at the time.

RIP robot.
Did you hear the boom?

Quote: zooo @ 11th February 2023, 11:41 AM

RIP robot.
Did you hear the boom?

Not from 50+ miles away, and sadly all they found of the robot was its little gripper still holding the stick.

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 11th February 2023, 3:26 PM

Not from 50+ miles away, and sadly all they found of the robot was its little gripper still holding the stick.

:( Poor little fella. Just doing his job.

When the machines rise up - it will be all our own fault


Brain the size of a planet and they want me to poke this bomb with a stick...

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 11th February 2023, 8:49 PM

Brain the size of a planet and they want me to poke this bomb with a stick...

Luckily most computers are still fkn stoopid....

Google's response to ChatGPT has got off to an embarrassing start after its new artificial intelligence-powered chatbot gave a wrong answer in a promotional video, as investors wiped more than $100bn (£82bn) off the value of the search engine's parent company, Alphabet.
The sell-off on Wednesday came amid investor fears that Microsoft, which is deploying an ChatGPT-powered version of its Bing search engine, will damage Google's business. Alphabet stock slid by 9% during regular trading in the US but was flat after hours.

Quote: zooo @ 11th February 2023, 4:31 PM

:( Poor little fella. Just doing his job.

Quote: lofthouse @ 11th February 2023, 5:24 PM

When the machines rise up - it will be all our own fault

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 11th February 2023, 8:49 PM

Brain the size of a planet and they want me to poke this bomb with a stick...

You're all reading to much into this and picturing something like CP3O, whereas the "robot" was more like a moronic two a penny Scutter


It's C3PO !!

Actually I was think more on the lines of Metal Mickey

I'd be happy for C3P0 to get blown up. He was an annoying gold tit.

Apparently it was this guy. Those poor kids.


Quote: paulted @ 14th November 2022, 9:38 AM

I suppose with taxes going up, M.P.s will be needing a pay rise to cover it.
Watch this space.....

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