British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,529

Quote: Lazzard @ 8th February 2023, 9:05 AM

30p Lee given Deputy Chair of the Party.
Tories clearly worried about the Red Wall seats.
He might have to practice his joined-up writing though.


Thank goodness they gave me a warning about misogyny and racism in a Midsummer Night's Dream. I could've been really offended when (and If) I go to see it now.

Can I have some tanks, please? 'Sure, how many do you want?
Thank you, that's most kind. A few fighter jets too would be nice. 'We'll see what we can do.
Thank you most kindly.... while I'm at it, any spare nuclear bombs going?

When it comes to foreign wars Sunak states 'Nothing is off the table' When it comes to working people Sunak won't even sit at the table.


The headlines today; The UK just missed going into recession.
'Just missed? So.... not in a recession.

No everything's fine and there's not a cloud on the horizon.

A bit of local news.................

A very large WWII bomb found in Great Yarmouth, which has now been in situ for 4 days, and this morning "they" are going to look at the progress made. What f**king progress?

The whole community in that area has been cleared and all businesses closed, with some people losing £thousands, and it seems to me, the powers that be couldn't give a toss.

How many bomb disposal people does it take to change a light bulb.

Quote: Teddy Paddalack @ 10th February 2023, 9:48 AM

No everything's fine and there's not a cloud on the horizon.

That's the spirit. Glass half full mate. :)

IMF growth prediction for 2023

Russia +0.3%

U.K. -0.6%

Get the bunting out

If we do have bunting can we have every second one removed to tie in with Stephens assessment of me please.

The obsession with Recession is ridiculous.
(Plus it rhymes)
It just means four consecutive quarters where there is negative growth.
In other word, you can fall 100ft down a well, but as long as you've climbed back up a couple of feet, at some stage, you haven't really fallen down a well.
We need a new measure.
One that's about people's lives.

Predictions! As long as we can believe it's all turning to shit despite the facts.
We know what you all want to blame - so thwarted again.
It must be frustrating wanting the UK to fail just to be able to gloat and be sanctimonious. I feel for you all.

Stephen if this is success ,then your thresholds are amazing almost Pythonesque .

Apparently tobacco smuggling in Ipswich has led to its last tobacconists having to close its doors for good on Saturday. The rest of the town is is staying on till Tuesday to see if things pick up.
If not they are all f**king off with the smugglers so stand by for Daily Mail stories about Boat People on the Orwell trying to get to Ghent

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 10th February 2023, 11:38 AM

It must be frustrating wanting the UK to fail just to be able to gloat and be sanctimonious. I feel for you all.

A) You don't
B) I want the country to succeed. And I mean the whole country.

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