British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,527

British Gas using their own version of the Wagner Group to kick in doors to force the Elderly, Infirm and Impoverished into having meters that have a higher cost and also deduct debt.
This country is being ran by an unelected former Non Dom hedge funder who is undermining a persons right to withdraw their labour,.
Meanwhile foreign policy is being dictated by a back bencher from Uxbridge.
Rabb is openly guilty of bullying, Braverman has disappeared.
They go on about the 70's and Corbyn, this is ten times worse and its deteriorating by the day as the only thing on the horizon is more and more crap and costs.

Yep another reason why privatising the energy utilities was a total shambles (except for the owners and share owners of course)

British Gas? Bunch of crooks acting like gangsters

Better pay up see? Or we will send the boys round see? Capiche?

Who's to blame? The Tories , end of

And of course they never learn from their stupidity

Royal Mail will now go to absolute shit now it's been privatised too

Are you Stephen Bray?

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 2nd February 2023, 9:48 AM

Actually I thought it rather appropriate - considering the number of "Daily Mail reader" jibes that have appeared on these forums over the years.

(Although it was Lofthouse's eagerness to "lump on" without researching the availability to which I was responding rather than your original post.)


Quote: Lazzard @ 2nd February 2023, 9:54 AM

Fair enough.
I know who I'd rather be.

Oh dear.

Matt Healy is advising Oasis on how to behave. It's like Stephen Hawking tryna tell Sporty Spice how to perform backflips.

The 21 year old who admitted trying to kill the Queen is rightly being held in Broadmoor as he is clearly mentally ill.
But to then charge him with Treason and hold his trail at the Old Baily, so that people in wigs being paid in the thousands could cite archaic laws was way over the top.
He admitted he wanted to kill a person, he had a lawyer this could have been done in a side room of Broadmoor and he would still have the same sentence.
But to use the same process as used on the likes of Lord Haw Haw is ridiculous. No doubt the old judge was half expecting his clerk to hand him the 'Black Cap' thinking the goods old days were back.

I hear all his sisters are witches too

Quote: Teddy Paddalack @ 3rd February 2023, 2:44 PM

The 21 year old who admitted trying to kill the Queen is rightly being held in Broadmoor as he is clearly mentally ill.
But to then charge him with Treason and hold his trail at the Old Baily, so that people in wigs being paid in the thousands could cite archaic laws was way over the top. .

Designed to keep a certain sort of voter frothing at the mouth, I should imagine.

Exactly , right wing theatre at its very best.
The fact it was an Asian looking culprit citing atrocities from the days of the raj was pure gravy for the older ones many of who rue the day we gave India back.
On lighter note I suspect that a few more archaic laws will see the light of day. For a start given the price of lamb in Asda I can see 'Rustling' on the Kings land coming back into vogue and thanks to the lack of eggs 'Poaching' could also enter the fore.
So if I owned hens (winks) I would be investing in a few reels of barb wire and be using the stub of my boot to detect decent sized pebbles for my catapult and get my dog on its A game..

If I owned hens (winks) I'd be more scared of them being culled, as Avian Flu has now escaped to mammalian species.
Next stop: Spanish Flu Mk II
And if you thought COVID was grim....
On a plus note, that bastard would cut down the number of anti-vaxxers quite significantly - in the most final of ways.

If I was a bible thumper or rather student of the Torah I would be advocating our approach to toward 'End of days'
Thankfully my knowledge of both written matter is limited to Charlton Heston films and to a lesser extent the output of Victor Mature .




That's just a precis of the nightly 'news'

Boris Johnson....

Add 'hypocrite' to his list of attributes

The man who was the face of Brexit, the man who slagged off the EU and basically won a GE based on Let's get Brexit done

Is now saying the first thing Ukraine should do (once it's defeated Russia) - is to join the EU

The thing he told 60 million British people was a disaster for the UK and we should cut all ties with - he is saying Ukraine should prioritise JOINING as soon as is possible

The man is a brainless tool


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