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I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,526

Thats OK then............ everyone else has to be exact.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 1st February 2023, 12:19 PM

Thats OK then............ everyone else has to be exact.

Just correct your mistakes.
Politely and promptly.

Sunak today said at PMQ's that Starmer 'wasn't standing up for school children', in regard to strikes

The same Sunak that voted against extending free school meals for hungry children during the pandemic

Laughable little idiot

Dominic Raab next to go?
His odds have come in from 25/1 to 12/1.
Worth a punt?

You can get 12/1???

Lump on

He's toast

Well I couldn't find a bookmaker offering any odds on that market, let alone 12/1 Raab, so I googled it and have come up with this site:

If that's what you're relying on, you do realise that it was published August 19th (doesn't say which year), that it's headed Odds Slashed to Leave Foreign Secretary Post and that they've also got Gavin Williamson, Michael Gove, Priti Patel, Sajid Javid and even Liz Truss & Boris Johnson in the betting. Methinks it's a trifle out of date!

This is the trouble with Guardian readers; they tend to believe whatever they read if it suits their agenda instead of delving further to establish the true facts. They need to be a little more critical of what they're being fed. As a general rule, if a bookmaker is seemingly offering odds too generous to be true, you can be assured that they are too generous to be true.

Why, like Zahawi do they cling on knowing that they're history?
You can bet that their shredders are burning up and the delete button on their keyboards have the symbol worn away.

Braverman didn't cling on - she resigned

Then was promptly given a position in the cabinet about two weeks later

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 1st February 2023, 7:53 PM

Well I couldn't find a bookmaker offering any odds on that market, let alone 12/1 Raab, so I googled it and have come up with this site:

If that's what you're relying on, you do realise that it was published August 19th (doesn't say which year), that it's headed Odds Slashed to Leave Foreign Secretary Post and that they've also got Gavin Williamson, Michael Gove, Priti Patel, Sajid Javid and even Liz Truss & Boris Johnson in the betting. Methinks it's a trifle out of date!

This is the trouble with Guardian readers; they tend to believe whatever they read if it suits their agenda instead of delving further to establish the true facts. They need to be a little more critical of what they're being fed. As a general rule, if a bookmaker is seemingly offering odds too generous to be true, you can be assured that they are too generous to be true.

FYI The Guardian wasn't involved at any stage.
Sorry about that.
But, you know me, I love a bit of research and the source you quote was all I could find as well.
Perhaps that should have set alarm bells ringing.
I saw the Aug 19th reference - plus the words "Updated 2nd Feb" next to it.
I wrongly assumed that meant it had been updated on the 2nd of February.
(Which now I come to think of it was, at the time of reading, in the future, if only by one day!)
Them's the breaks.
As I said before, always own your mistakes rather than responding with a deafening silence or, worse, deflection.
I thought the "Guardian reader" snipe was a tad unnecessary, but understandable as I guess it suits your own agenda.
We all have them, after all.

PS I would still like odds on Raab not lasting the month- safe money I would have thought.

Quote: Lazzard @ 2nd February 2023, 9:09 AM

I thought the "Guardian reader" snipe was a tad unnecessary

Actually I thought it rather appropriate - considering the number of "Daily Mail reader" jibes that have appeared on these forums over the years.

(Although it was Lofthouse's eagerness to "lump on" without researching the availability to which I was responding rather than your original post.)

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 2nd February 2023, 9:48 AM

Actually I thought it rather appropriate - considering the number of "Daily Mail reader" jibes that have appeared on these forums over the years.

Fair enough.
I know who I'd rather be.

The back peddling is amazing.

It's called admitting you made a mistake.
You should try it.

Quote: Lazzard @ 2nd February 2023, 9:54 AM

I know who I'd rather be.

Personally I'd rather be known as neither. I'd rather be independent (with a small i) and make my own mind up about issues, having considered all relevant factors.

I'm guessing you've not read The Guardian regularly, or lately.
Obviously left of centre it has a range of opinions expressed, many of which I fundamentally disagree with.
And many of which disagree with each other.
There is no party line.
It's also very well written.
Which I like.

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