British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,522

It might be an easy mistake to make but just think of the trauma those wrongly advised went through. It's unforgiveable!

Someone with major mental health issues could have stuck their head in the oven receiving that news...

P.s Sunaks dad was a doctor, he comes from an 'NHS family' apparently- he's kept that very quiet

Not sure they're an NHS family now.

The UK ' We're going to be a space superpower now, we'll show the world how it's done.
We'll take a rocket to the edge of space on a plane (saving tons of rocket fuel) and launch it from there.
Update: Oh bollocks

Why do they hype these thing up so much before they actually succeed?
A lot of red faces as a result.

I hope they don't attempt to re-light the blue touch paper

Real Wallace and Gromit job

It landed on a British beach and is now claiming asylum.

Being a Cornisher, it's a struggle to see the funny side as £12 million of our taxes went towards it, while we've got one of the highest poverty rates in Europe. We managed it though - saw a few funny comments yesterday.

Uk is sending Challenger tanks to Ukraine.......oh dear.
Won't get there due to industrial action/substandard equipment/wrong ammo/Brexit/health and safety.
Delete as applicable.

I kinda like the way Ukraine don't have to pay us for all this stuff

Ya know, like we had to pay the US about 945 trillion dollars for their help in WW2

Yeah just help yerselves

It's not as if we aren't skint or anything

Quote: lofthouse @ 14th January 2023, 8:19 PM

I kinda like the way Ukraine don't have to pay us for all this stuff

Ya know, like we had to pay the US about 945 trillion dollars for their help in WW2

You also lost almost half a million lives during that war. A few billion pounds in aid to Ukraine is immeasurably cheaper than fighting WW3 across Europe - both in terms of lives lost and financial cost. It's money well spent.

Quote: DaButt @ 14th January 2023, 9:42 PM

You also lost almost half a million lives during that war. A few billion pounds in aid to Ukraine is immeasurably cheaper than fighting WW3 across Europe - both in terms of lives lost and financial cost. It's money well spent.

And it might have the opposite effect. Prodding Putin until he bites.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 17th January 2023, 10:07 AM

And it might have the opposite effect. Prodding Putin until he bites.

^That's exactly how Putin wants us to think. His conventional forces have proven to be no match for a small army of determined soldiers armed with the West's hand-me-downs, so all he has left is nuclear fearmongering. He and his cronies have become billionaires over the last two decades, and there's no way they'll give up their yachts and villas and Western university educations for their children. The only action that would cause the nukes to fly would be an attack on Russia that threatens the nation's survival. Nobody - neither Ukraine nor NATO - has any intention of invading or destroying Russia. All anyone wants is for Russia's invasion of Ukraine to be repelled and for Russia to stop threatening its neighbors in the region. There should be no denying that if Putin succeeds in taking Ukraine, he will set his sights on Moldova, the Balkans, and any other chunk of the former USSR that suits his fancy. Arming Ukraine with whatever weapons they need to defeat the Russian invaders is our best course of action.

We learned that appeasing Hitler was a catastrophic mistake, and we shouldn't hesitate to push back against his 21st-century doppelganger, Putin.

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