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I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,520

I wish Sunak would shut the f**k up saying "I know it's very difficult times for everyone at the moment" whilst refusing to pay nurses a decent wage

Everyone? It's not difficult for you, you arsehole

"Prime Minister and Conservative Party leader candidate, Rishi Sunak came under fire for spending over $4,80,000 (£400,000) on a pool at his North Yorkshire property as UK residents braced for another heatwave and a rise in the cost of living."

I was quite drawn to Suella, in the HoC blaming Labour for not dealing with dangerous Channel crossings? They're even Gaslighting themselves now.

In the past - Stay at home and save granny............
Now - Give us 19% or f**k granny.

Who doesn't understand that going into a negotiation you cite a figure that is open to negotiation?

Who doesn't understand an ironic play on words?

Stephen you seem to be dead set against the working class and unions and while you're not alone on these boards with that view which are perfectly legitimate your attempts at baiting are beyond basic.
Up your game lad, the stuff you're pushing out is below par for an adult audience, rabble rousing is a skill not just a desire.

Says the one who is biting.

I'm not biting to be honest I'm just saddened that you feel the need to attempt to incite others in hating on Unions.
The strike we face have all been voted on by the workers , ordinary people sick to the back teeth of the lies and the deceptions of a Tory government that has beyond decimated the social infrastructure we all need.

It beggars belief really.
Huge swathes of the country seem to be suffering from a severe case of Stockholm Syndrome.
The Tories might not have achieved much in 12 years, apart from bringing this country to it's knees, but this you have to give them credit for.

You might get your turn at the next election.
Be careful what you wish for.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 21st December 2022, 11:47 AM

You might get your turn at the next election.

Bloody Nora, you know it's bad for the Tories when even Goodlad doesn't think they'll win the next election.

Quote: chipolata @ 21st December 2022, 11:53 AM

Bloody Nora, you know it's bad for the Tories when even Goodlad doesn't think they'll win the next election.

More worryingly, he predicted he would be dead by the time Labour came into power.?

But seriously - if I could wish for it any harder I might bust a gasket (not SG's demise, of course)

The trouble is, by striking in the tried & trusted way that they are doing, they are hurting, and potentially alienating, the very people they should be looking to get on their side - working class people who want to go about their daily lives (to earn the money that they desperately need themselves in order to live), who want to get away for Christmas to see family that they maybe haven't been able to see for two years because of the lockdowns, or who need medical help for themselves or their loved ones (the rich will be having private consultations so it won't bother them).

Can they not find new, innovative ways to air their grievances and make sure it is the bosses in the firing line and not the working class public? In the case of transport workers, for example, run the transport but do not collect the fares. Close the booking offices and turn off the machines. In the case of non-transport workers, restrict the strikes to the accountancy offices so that they are not sending out invoices or banking incoming payments.

Well, the nurses etc seem to have the bulk of the public onside - and I'm not sure what they could do apart from withhold labour?
And I think if the Rail workers tried as you suggested, they would be locked out within a matter of hours - the companies wouldn't stand for it (neither would the govt) who are on the companies side, not the public's.
Refusing to negotiate pay is a political choice.
They believe they can make 'the unions' the enemy again, something to bash Labour with.
Not sure it's going to play out this time - the country is so divided between winners & losers now, with the losers growing by the day, that I think the mood has changed.

These strikes are political and the Government are expecting the people to turn on each other.
But who can blame them after the lies that got Brexit through?.
Add to that the staunch defense of Brexit by the ones who fell for it and still support it despite the blatant negatives and seemingly invisible benefits.
It all suggests that the Tories plan is achievable.
It's as old as the hills, despite being elected and having a mandate union bosses are yet again referred to as 'Barons' By three Non Dom Billionaires who own the press.
Ironically the real Barons such as Mone appear to be rifling the tax take of a nation and parking it off shore.
Sunak's link to his own mandate is now like Triggers broom.
I might get in the loft later and dig out my Ladybird Book of The British Empire.
Because as far as I can recall, I'm pretty sure that countries that have troops manning its airports hungry strikers in the streets .
And who have a non elected leader who shields the plifering of the nations wealth by his cronies, are supposed to be the baddies?
I was going to get my step ladder out and find it in the loft, then I remembered the Government said don't do anything dangerous today
so I'll do it tomorrow, like the good gullible citizen that I am .

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