British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,511

I suppose with taxes going up, M.P.s will be needing a pay rise to cover it.
Watch this space.....

Will you stop talking about the war?

Me? You started it.

We did not!

Yes, you did. You invaded Poland.

Slightly worrying?

Once, they'll get away with it....twice?

Ukraine are absolutely desperate for NATO to get stuck fully into Russia

They are still claiming it was a Russian missile that hit Poland - when it clearly wasn't

I have huge huge sympathy for them, but does zelensky want WW3 ffs

Considering they aren't even a NATO country, I think we have done more than enough to help

It's what the Germans did to start WW2. Stage a fake attack, ironically against Poland.

Quote: lofthouse @ 16th November 2022, 7:07 PM

Ukraine are absolutely desperate for NATO to get stuck fully into Russia

They are still claiming it was a Russian missile that hit Poland - when it clearly wasn't

Clearly? How do you know? Because Russia said they didn't do it?

Quote: Chappers @ 16th November 2022, 8:27 PM

Clearly? How do you know? Because Russia said they didn't do it?

No I wouldn't believe a word that comes out from their murderous lying mouths

But Poland's PM said it was "highly probable that it was fired by Ukrainian anti-aircraft defence" and "unfortunately fell on Polish territory".

I think Ukraine are the only ones claiming it was a Russian missile now.
They won't admit is was possibly one of theirs - can't blame them, but we can't go wading in on the strength of it.

If... sorry , when, Labour win the next election, they are going to abolish the house of lords

Well it's decades too late but - thank goodness

Best of luck to them, but I fear they will have a fight on their hands. Load of old money grabbing farts.

The days of people like Boris giving peerages to his mates and donors will be over

Clean the swamp!

When? Surely you mean if.
The 168 Labour Lord's might have a thing to say about it being abolished.

They've been promising that for the last century. Like most things promised by political parties, it hasn't happened yet. More worryingly what are they going to replace it with. Not more elections and politicians on the gravy train? And the divisive electioneering that will go with it.

Mr Trump is to be reinstated to Twitter.
Elon ran a poll and 15 million voted.
51% against 48% said yes....remind you of anything?

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