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I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,494

I watched some GB News last night. It was exhausting trying to keep up with all the conspiracy theory buzz words. MSM. The Blob. Globalists. Remoaners, etc.... No wonder the Tories are in such trouble with these crackpots feeding their delusions.

Quote: Aaron @ 19th October 2022, 11:17 PM

Chip on your shoulder much, lofty?

I haven't given Lofthouse a piggyback in years.

Quote: chipolata @ 20th October 2022, 10:21 AM

I watched some GB News last night. It was exhausting trying to keep up with all the conspiracy theory buzz words. MSM. The Blob. Globalists. Remoaners, etc.... No wonder the Tories are in such trouble with these crackpots feeding their delusions.

Late night GB News is not somewhere even I dare visit.

Quote: Aaron @ 20th October 2022, 10:36 AM

Late night GB News is not somewhere even I dare visit.


Put that light out. we haven't heard much of the war we're in the middle of?
Lets hope that Putin hasn't got a telly because if he has then he could be forgiven for nuking us given that at the moment we don't even have people in Government who could order a pizza let alone a retaliatory strike.

I guess, like Boris used to do in times of personal crisis, Liz could go out there to meet with Zelenskyy - if there was even the slightest chance of her getting on the right plane.

He wouldn't even go the airport to meet her in case she was deposed mid flight and he wasn't in his office to take a call off the next one to take the office,

Graham Brady just gone into No.10.
Cup of tea? Or arsenic?

Graham Brady is being tracked like Father Christmas, only its not whats in his sack its about who he is going to give the sack to.

I couldn't have summed it up better myself.


The Chairman of the party has just racked up in a taxi. I wouldn't be surprised if the door opens and Truss gets thrown out the door with her gear in bin bags,

That's her gone then.
What a shambles.

There's more to come as they will tear each other to pieces fighting to get in the big chair . There is no unifying candidate the two two wings and smaller factions will fight like rats in a sack.
The only option in the end will be a GE and Labour government before Christmas.


Not the only person to last just 44 days in a job. But Liz Truss can't blame Billy Bremner and Johnny Giles.

I think the dream ticket would be Big Sam Allardyce with Theresa Coffey in the role of Sammy Lee.

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