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I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,485

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 12th October 2022, 12:29 PM

It's a common practice throughout the world.

Lot's of practices are common throughout the world.
Female genital mutilaion springs to mind.
Doesn't mean we have to ape those people's actions.

Did you really write that.
Why would that ever spring to mind about immigration laws?

Every country has immigration laws.

I detest the huge amount of taxation and spending. We need actual austerity. Not the non-austerity austerity that was falsely sold (and moaned endlessly about) a decade ago.

Quote: Chris Hallam @ 12th October 2022, 10:56 AM

... what the government has done since 2010? The tolerance of rising homelessness. The Home Secretary's dreams of deporting boats of immigrants. That I detest!

The Tories approach to financially penalising buy to let Landlords (in 2015) meant a large portion of funding left the housing market, another chunk left with Brexit. All done to win votes, like Maggie's great council flat give away. But changing who owns property just ties up funding needed by business. Projecting blame onto private landlords and the construction industry puts people off investing in our country.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 12th October 2022, 3:17 PM

Did you really write that.
Why would that ever spring to mind about immigration laws?

Every country has immigration laws.

Yes, I really did.
I'm against all inhumane practices.

Quote: Lazzard @ 12th October 2022, 3:57 PM

I'm against all inhumane practices.

I'm not sure that enforcing immigration laws could be considered to be inhumane. My friend was forbidden entry to Canada for a day trip because he had a decade-old conviction for driving while under the influence. I'd call that inconvenient, not inhumane.

Quote: DaButt @ 12th October 2022, 4:53 PM

I'm not sure that enforcing immigration laws could be considered to be inhumane. My friend was forbidden entry to Canada for a day trip because he had a decade-old conviction for driving while under the influence. I'd call that inconvenient, not inhumane.

Well, if a law is inhumane and you enforce it, then the enforcement is inhumane.
We're talking about flying people, against there will, to Rwanda, not telling them they can't go shopping.

You're being self righteous again.
Nobody cares except you eh - a lone voice in the wilderness.
And, absolutely nothing to do with deportations

Hardly a lone voice - half the country are against it.
As ever, when your arguement runs out of road, you make it personal.

Rubbish. You changed the subject.

I might be one of the imaginary half but only you care and don't give any credit to anyone else that might.

Self righteous

Not sure that's true.
The exchange started when chris said he hated the fact we have a Home Secretary who dreamed of deporting immigrants - those dreams involved a full plane taking off for Rwanda. You yourself mentioned putting them on a plane.
I have been talking about the Rwanda scheme all along.
If thats not what you thought were talking about - and in fact, just like me, deplore the inhumane scheme, then I apologise.

Looks like yet another u turn may be on the way

Another energy wind fall tax , that's not a windfall tax cos it's been given a different name - so it's not a windfall tax

They know it's right, they know it's sensible and just - but we have to go through weeks of bullshit before they get their fingers out of their arses and do it

It's almost childish the way they go about governing a nation

I thought Truss said she was going to "hit the ground running" once elected

More like she hit the pavement face first, and is now stumbling around in a daze, spitting out broken teeth

GE now!!

I was on about Hazard and him bringing FGM into it.

Quote: lofthouse @ 12th October 2022, 6:55 PM

Looks like yet another u turn may be on the way

Another energy wind fall tax

I do hope not.

Labour don't choose when a GE is happening. Stop begging.

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