British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,420

Surly the link between Boris, Churchill (and Nadine Dorries) is they're all colorful charismatic characters that won elections despite their many blunders. Here's a list of Churchill's blunders They're all good communicators that have taken a very different, controversial approach to mainstream politics. Politics aside, they're all memorable.

Quote: chipolata @ 6th June 2022, 8:01 PM

Kier Starmer bought a donkey sanctuary for his mom. What a nasty and downright horrible thing to do.

You purposely missed the point.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 6th June 2022, 7:58 PM

Just read all the comments about our prime minister. (Including your own)
Pick out the moderate or nice ones. Good luck.

You do know this is his own Tory MP's trying to get rid of Boris?
Hardly the Loony Left.
THEY think he's a liability.
(You know what we think he is.)
Anyway, don't worry, he'll win.
By how much is the question.

Quote: Firkin @ 6th June 2022, 8:08 PM

.. they're all memorable.

So is a dose of the clap.

A secret ballot of proven liars needs no exit poll.

Some, you are missing the word some.
As I said the words earlier, everybody hates Boris is common among your lot. As if your opinion is endemic - it's not.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 6th June 2022, 8:18 PM

Some, you are missing the word some.
As I said the words earlier, everybody hates Boris is common among your lot. As if your opinion is endemic - it's not.

Our opinion doesn't matter, Steve!
We don't get a vote.
Strikes me, you're getting cross with the wrong people.
Focus your anger on those Boris-hating traitors, the Tory Party.

I'm not explaining it again.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 6th June 2022, 8:13 PM

You purposely missed the point.

Not really. You seem to think that left wingers are all spiteful and hate filled while right wingers are all decent and noble and essentially good. Which is of course naive bullshit.

Personally I think people get carried away wanting Boris gone. Keep him in office and Labour stand a far better chance at the next election. After all. If the Republicans had ditched Trump before 2020 they'd have probably won the presidency.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 6th June 2022, 8:27 PM

I'm not explaining it again.

You haven't explained it once.
He's going to win - don't worry!

Quote: chipolata @ 6th June 2022, 8:27 PM

Keep him in office and Labour stand a far better chance at the next election.

This is true.
Tonight could be the ideal result.

His own ANTI CORRUPTION tsar has resigned ffs!

Nuff said

ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY EIGHT want him gone - worse than Teresa Mays confidence vote


Lame duck PM.

It's hard to believe that it was only two years ago that I was railing against Boris Johnson and the effect that his policies would have on the economy, education and the nation's health - and the abuse I received from everybody else on these forums, who were in favour of him and those policies. Now everybody seems to have come round to my way of thinking!

More unpopular than Theresa.
Not quite as unpoular as Maggie.
About right.

I was actually one of the 148 MPs who voted against him.

Personally, I am just very strongly opposed to his choice of socks.

He won't go unless somebody physically drags him out by his hair

He's like a turd that you just can't seem to flush

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