Friday 27th May 2022 9:47am [Edited]
9,088 posts
Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 27th May 2022, 7:48 AM
They prefer the assumption that we were led blind up a dead end without reading the small print.
You've seen above where he thought he'd seen a chink in the armour - could hardly contain himself.
At least Bill does a bit of research (albeit fatuous) where as you just snipe from he sidelines.
So, for clarification.
I - and more importantly, my children, who didn't get a say in it - formerly had the right to live and work in any EU country.
A right taken from me.
The EU may well count for just 13% of the available countries - but frankly it's the only 13% I'm interested in.
Botswana can f**k off.
A few years back I lived for a year and a half in France - a brilliant experience for the family.
I couldn't do that now.
I would only be allowed to spend 90 days at a time in the EU.
So my retirement plans have had to change, too.
I'm now in the 'slow' lane at passport control.
The queues at The Tunnel are five times longer as I can no longer just wave my passport at the chap in the booth - all (six in my case) passports rigorously checked and stamped.
But at least they're blue!
Work visas are available - but the application process is complicated & lengthy and many EU countries demand you have a job offer in place.
So my son can no longer chuck the mountain bike in the back of the car and spend his gap year picking up work all over Europe and tearing down various mountains.
It doesn't end there for him.
He wants to work in film production.
But film and music weren't included in the deal - so working on projects in the EU is problematic.
Casting and crew calls are already going out with "applicant must hold EU passport".
Both my girls work within the Arts - and many placement schemes are no longer open to them - too much hassle for the organisers.
And of course the Erasmus scheme is no more. Replaced by a watered down version that only the wealthy can afford.
And that's how it's affected me.
Millions of others will have had it worse.
And all with no apparent benefit - quite the opposite, in fact.
The best analogy of Brexit I ever read was this:
"It's like seeing your local library burnt down by people who don't read books."
Well done.