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I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,293

Boris rumoured to have been married in Westminster Cathedral.Bit of a shock.It's supposed to be the C of E who are the Tory party at prayer.

Doing things in secret via a legal loophole?
Sounds very unlike Boris...

I'll give it a year

Then he'll be bored again and be knocking off some secretary or something

C is the start of the word you are looking for. Congratulations.
C is the word in thinking about you miserable C****

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 30th May 2021, 3:29 PM

C is the start of the word you are looking for. Congratulations.
C is the word in thinking about you miserable C****

Lol - I don't know who I feel sorry for more , him or her!

This made me giggle anyway,


The exact number of children Boris Johnson has is uncertain. However, in terms of confirmed children, he has six. "

Uncertain!! Says it all ! He clearly takes marriage as seriously as running the country Laughing out loud

The reason they kept it secret is because the priest has to ask if anyone present has a problem? These people don't even allow questions at their press conferences. Plus given the amount of bibles hanging around the gaff they don't want putting in a corner where they may have to state on oath.
But just in case I bet Laura Kussenberg was there ready to pop up with a well rehearsed question designed for Boris to use its Corbyn punch line.
Phonies the lot of them and they are taking the piss out of the plebs big time. It's all Boris Bounce and Bad Brexit and Draconian laws on the streets and the borders, we live in an ugly age.

It's a marriage, not a political move.
You are all so possessed with bitterness and hate you'll spew it at anything.
Thank God you and your ilk will never see power.

Best wishes Boris.

Ste criticising and questioning is not bitterness , do I like Boris No. If he did something good for the country would I say so Yes.
The rest is just a bit of dressing as we need to try and laugh it off more as we clearly have two camps on the page and Micheal Monkhouse, so lets have a jamboree instead of an argument.
No ones changing sides any time soon but we could change our approaches as I have always had time for you even though we have totally different politics than me and we both hate Sheff Wed so thats a start .

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 30th May 2021, 5:45 PM

It's a marriage, not a political move.
You are all so possessed with bitterness and hate you'll spew it at anything.
Thank God you and your ilk will never see power.

Best wishes Boris.

I'm generally a Tory supporter but I think this marriage lark is a bit of a joke. Third marriage and she does seem a bit hippy dippy.

Quote: Teddy Paddalack @ 30th May 2021, 6:01 PM



Do you keep calling him Ste to wind him up? Nobody is called Ste. How do you even pronounce it? It's Steve.

Quote: Chappers @ 1st June 2021, 5:10 PM

Do you keep calling him Ste to wind him up? Nobody is called Ste. How do you even pronounce it? It's Steve.

Or for his true friends, Stephen. :D

Anything else is a bit presumptive.

Quote: Chappers @ 1st June 2021, 5:10 PM

Do you keep calling him Ste to wind him up?

I could be wrong, but I saw "Ste" as a vehicle for softening the narrative, a term of endearment as in Shakespeare's use of the term lamkin in Henry the VI part two, as a metaphor for when Stephen has just half an argument, but stated in a loving way. Also lamkin, is a nod to "lambs to the slaughter" also in a loving way. Unless Teddy is dyslexic, then Ste could simply mean STD. I hope that clears everything up. Anyway back to helping my son with his English Literature revision.

It doesn't bother me in the least.
I'm in my 60s and all of my friends still call me by a nickname I was given as a child.
Even directors of companies I work for.

Chappers I noticed you still haven't replied to your Scouser /Hillsborough slur? Is that behind you now seeing that it never got the type of traction that it got in the Sun.?
For the record in Liverpool you call anyone named Stephen 'Ste' and look at the context it was in, an open hand. Plus if I have something to say to anyone I will say it.

You see I'm not a natural sycophant, I may be blunt ,coarse and at times out of order but I don't pull punches I throw them.

So please don't take this the wrong way but I often wonder why you or the other quilt even come on a comedy site? The whole thing is beyond me as I can't make the connection?

From what I can see neither of you could write funny if I gave you broken pens? Its all very strange ?Its as though you two just hang around this page looking for arguments? I hope I'm wrong, I hope that you're both effervescent and charming and a real laugh at parties.
Anyway whether they are crap or not I'll stick to throwing stuff on critique and stay off this area for awhile as its not got the greatest vibe at the moment for any of us.

No I'm a typical Mail reading southerner. The thing about Scousers was more about your red friends. I've always preferred blue teams but Liverpool were involved at both Hillsborough and Heysel.

If I could write comedy would I spend so much time on here?

PS - not exactly sure what a quilt is but I'm guessing who you mean.

These petty arguments are beneath all of you. Completely unacceptable conduct that is wasting my time. Teddy you have previously committed to behaving and, if necessary, simply ignoring those you don't get on with, but I see little evidence of this happening.

Consider this a final warning to all: further transgressions will earn the guilty party (in my eyes) a permanent ban. No come backs, no apologies. Gone. For good.

And for the record: this site is primarily for audiences of comedy, not writers - however frustrated, talented, or not, they may be.

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