Sunday 23rd May 2021 7:20pm [Edited]
14,223 posts
I've said it before, i was neither pro or anti Brexit- didn't really care
But the company I work for has been exporting to the EU for 30 years and it's now virtually ground to a halt
No shipping company's want to know- it's simply not worth their hassle
We've tried about 18 companies and exporting has become almost impossible
The few that are showing any willing at all are charging ludicrous fees
So if that carries on we would need to increase our prices massively - which will undoubtably mean losing orders
Maybe in a few years the situation may improve- in the meantime companies like mine will have lost huge amounts in profits
The way it's going I can see us letting staff go too
So. So far from a personal perspective- it's been a total and utter f**king calamity
That's about as positive I can be sorry