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I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,275

Quote: john tregorran @ 14th March 2021, 10:01 PM

The last place I lived in the UK had almost 20,000 inhabitants but after over 50 years they decided to close the cop shop.Because "everyone's got a phone these days"

I grew up in a town three times that size and the police told me off for riding my bike without lights, I was 13 and worried I now had a police record.

It's like a scene from one of the more exciting episodes of Dixon of Dock Green.
And a salutary lesson for us all.

Quote: Definitely Tarby @ 14th March 2021, 9:12 PM

Are you saying he's being roughed up in custody? That might have happened in the past but not anymore. Not only could it jeopardise a murder enquiry there are bodycams and CCTV everywhere. He's probably been to hospital because he's complaining of feeling ill so they have to follow the process to avoid a potential death in custody. When in custody prisoners try it on because waiting in a hospital is better than waiting in a concrete cell and just being tachycardic is enough for a prisoner in custody to be taken to hospital. Most prisoners will be tachycardic just because of being there.

This sounds like you know what you are talking about.

Except both times were for head injuries, and I did say since being arrested. Most injuries to suspects happen during arrest I think. And the record of suspects dying through physical force in police custody isn't great, cameras or no cameras.

Quote: BTF @ 15th March 2021, 1:53 AM

This sounds like you know what you are talking about.

This sounds like you are being passive aggressive.

Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ 15th March 2021, 2:20 AM

Except both times were for head injuries, and I did say since being arrested. Most injuries to suspects happen during arrest I think. And the record of suspects dying through physical force in police custody isn't great, cameras or no cameras.

I've seen police documentaries where people in custody will smash their head against the wall to injure themselves enough to be taken to hospital. This whole idea that police will assault prisoners in custody is like something from the 50s. I have friends in the police and the majority work hard in a difficult job. The idea they would assault someone so readily is laughable. It might be what the pitch fork holding public want but that's why the baying mob isn't allowed in to prisons and courts. There is a legal process.

The media will fan the flames by calling the gathering a vigil but regardless it was illegal. Anyone attending was doing so illegally and should not have been there. When asked by police to disperse the should have done do to avoid the risk of being physically removed by police who are lawfully doing their job. These idiots should be thankful they don't end up with a criminal record.

It would have been illegal for the police to not take action and the word 'manhandled' is way over the top.

Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ 14th March 2021, 2:25 PM

But a megaphone in sight, young lefties leading the crowd in anti police chants at the bandstand as the police said, looks provocative and way off line with a 'peaceful vigil'. Where's the condemnation of them in the media?

Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ 14th March 2021, 12:05 PM

They should have closed the park off. In China and Brazil and a few other places, crowd gatherers have suffered a lot more at the hands of their police. I'm cynical enough to believe that some of them got exactly what hey wanted - pictures of 'police brutality' against peaceful women protesting against male brutality (while breaking the law on mass gatherings we've all had to adhere to). If anything more than a few people's pride was hurt, I'd be amazed.

Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ 14th March 2021, 11:38 AM

But they are led by a woman, and her female deputy excused the action as necessary. I very much agree with their right to protest and their right to feel safe and I definitely agree something more has to be done now so they can walk the streets safely but encouraging crowds to huddle together as they did at the bandstand was provocative, potentially dangerous to health and illegal.

Of the little snips of videos online, several were not wearing masks and they were packed together like sardines, the majority were of the age where they wouldn't have yet been part vaccinated either, and there were quite a few men among them. Why couldn't they listen to the advice of the original organisers who said 'Don't go'. Why do they think they'd get special treatment for breaking the law and encouraging more mass gatherings? If the police DIDN'T move to disperse them, they'd get slaughtered for not protecting the public and upholding the law.

And encourage unlawful mass gatherings in a pandemic? They simply did their job, unless there's stuff I haven't seen. And for the sake of equality, this is how men get treated.

I think the voice of reason MM has something to say right about now. I'll wager he's fuming over this.

Shush everyone and let Michael speak, He's a f**king guru when it comes to ignorant individuals..

Shoot Mikey....Should they kill themselves or what?

I hope he comes and does a Spice Girls joke. It helps put things in perspective.

I love Mel C and if she asked me to marry her I would say yes. My exact words would be "yes, absolutely".

If she asked me to attend the marriage of Mel C and MM I would do so reluctantly but still wish them the very best indeed.

News just in....Mel C is great.

No I really did think you sounded like you knew what you were talking about.

Quote: BTF @ 15th March 2021, 8:01 AM

No I really did think you sounded like you knew what you were talking about.

Oh, ok. Sorry about that :D I'm not used to people agreeing with me.

I read the murdering copper was already under investigation for flashing his nob in a KFC or some fast food place?
Then murders a young woman and dismembers her.
It'll be put down to mental illness, the catchall for heinous acts - as if it's an excuse.

However his injuries were caused while in custody, he'll be pondering a life in prison.
A murdering cop, in with all the other the murderers.

Quote: Definitely Tarby @ 15th March 2021, 9:01 AM

Oh, ok. Sorry about that :D I'm not used to people agreeing with me.

That's okay. I understand!

I love the way the government comes up with all these restrictions - and the "opposition" endorses them - and then they all object when they are enforced. If they don't want them enforced, or if in fact they are unenforceable, they shouldn't impose them.

And why is it now safe to have a haircut in Wales but not in England? And why can you travel five miles in Wales? Why is the virus more deadly when you travel six miles? And, in the past, why was it more deadly if you had a drink in a pub but less so if you had a scotch egg with it? Should we all be given scotch eggs instead of the vaccine? Why, at one time, was it more deadly after 10pm? Why is it deadly in clothes shops & shoe shops but not in hardware shops or garden centres?

(As johnny Nash once said...)

Looking forward, when it's all over, to the enquiry asking to see the envelope, on the back of which all the legislation was planned.

Why did the police turn up at the Sarah Everard vigil so early?

They wanted to beat the crowd.

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