Didn't wish anyone dead. Anyone can see your posts. Your record speaks for itself.
I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,228
Stop rising to the bait, guys (& gals)
Quote: Lazzard @ 22nd November 2020, 12:54 PM............. guys (& gals)
Oh dear, sounds a bit Jimmy to me.
Quote: Chris Hallam @ 21st November 2020, 11:41 AMNo. Because nothing in the post made sense.
She's been found guilty of bullying. And one of her victims cried as a result. That doesn't make them an idiot.
I don't think her race has anything to do with it. Do any of you know any Asians? They're not all the same, funnily enough.
Not seen any evidence of any sense of humour. Similar to Thatcher who was also a bully.The ones being bullied presumably?
You don't seem to have grasped that they were all Tories.
But if she was a Leftie everyone would be shouting "RACIST!"
Don't think so. A bully is a bully.
I don't understand any of this. I like Biden. I liked the way he shagged Marilyn Monroe before becoming the most sweary President of all time only to move on to being a peanut farmer. Then the way via a faux pas with Monica Lewinsky he turned into a erudite black man. Personally, I lament his loss of sideburns but I suppose that is octogenarians for you. It isn't as if they were wholly lost to be fair. They were sold off in an auction in 1989 and while I was listening to Soul 2 Soul's Back To Life (Back To Reality) I bought them and they are now in a jar next to my computer alongside Teddy and Golly and the sacred remains of Archbishop Tutu. Thoise are especially dear to my heart as he was a nice guy plus I worked so hard against Apartheid.
Just sayin'.
Quote: Chris Hallam @ 22nd November 2020, 7:55 PMA bully is a bully.
How effective is Priti going to be now she's waged war on the civil service ? Trump tried that and it ended in tears. Hardly good people management.
She said the bullying was "not intended" and when caught smiling at painful news (on more than one occasion) that wasn't her face's fault either. Surely we should expect better excuses from an MP ?
I don't like to judge people I've never met
But I'm 100% she's a nasty cruel heartless bitch from hell
The people in question are not young John and Tracey, clerical assistants coming in to work each day on near-minimum wage. Ministers of the Crown do not mingle with such people. They are top civil servants on a three figure annual salary (with a corresponding pension to look forward to) and they themselves didn't get where they are today without robustly elbowing potential rivals out of the way without a second thought as and when necessary.
Quote: Chris Hallam @ 21st November 2020, 11:41 AMThe ones being bullied presumably?
You don't seem to have grasped that they were all Tories.
And why would the ones being "bullied" all be Tories?. They're Civil Servants. And many probably belong to their appropriate union. And why would it matter anyway? That makes no sense.
Quote: Billy Bunter @ 22nd November 2020, 10:29 PMThe people in question are not young John and Tracey, clerical assistants coming in to work each day on near-minimum wage. Ministers of the Crown do not mingle with such people. They are top civil servants on a three figure annual salary (with a corresponding pension to look forward to) and they themselves didn't get where they are today without robustly elbowing potential rivals out of the way without a second thought as and when necessary.
And why would the ones being "bullied" all be Tories?. They're Civil Servants. And many probably belong to their appropriate union. And why would it matter anyway? That makes no sense.
Erm, I thought I was suffering from quarantine but it turns out I have been unleashed to everyone's sufferance. Let's be clear - and mainly it comes from the opposite angle. You are all on gold plated pensions. Single figures anyone? As someone with a 2:1 degree from what was then a Top 6 university, I never rose beyond Executive Officer which in London was less than an average wage. Now, I first briefed Glenda Jackson face to face. Then I briefed people you will have forgotten like David Jamieson face to face, another Minister. That was 1997. In the Major years, I was jetting in and out to UN Geneva twice a year as a UK delegate at a Committee and in and out of the US Mission for two weeks at a time and I did it 13 times between '91 and '97, spending half a year of my life there in total. Never on a higher than London wage.
Next? You want to know what came next? And I shall miss out the temporary management of 13 temporary staff and chairing key Committees all on £25,000. With a shocking cold - the like of which snot runs permanently down your cheeks - I was still required into Parliament but a senior officer five grades higher than me as I knew the stuff and he didn't and so I did. It was the Opposition to New Labour at that time. In walked Cameron, Letwin, Maude and Soames. All very embarrassing. I sat next to Prescott, DPM, in the dining area regularly. Tony McNulty frightened the life out of me - he was so confident - and yet he was kind. I was there for his meetings with John McDonnell and many other names. As he said. "Our side".
He'd send down lovely notes to my bosses saying that bloke is so shaky and apparently scared, it's weird but I really rate him and want more from him. He was later disgraced but I did like him a lot and eased as clearly he showed he liked me. Michael Meacher - lovely Michael - was the same. So good to me. And earlier Tory Lynda Chalker - she felt so deeply, junior staff would have to regularly wipe her tears. Honestly, I was there. So what I am saying - no dissing of any of you - is believe that the seniors do meet the juniors and it really, really matters. For what it is worth, I look at the manner of Patel. I think she would be, shall we say, no nonsense. A bit gung ho. Obviously she is of type a bit of a ground breaker for being there. Kind of good luck to her. The only thing - let's give her a second chance - is where and how to direct it. Take on the big guns - and she is admirably capable of doing so - and be sensitive to junior support. It does its best!
Hope this helps......as well as being a little educational.
An eight home socialist by all accounts but he was well profound and forward looking and I found him so nice to me on a personal level - and he brought forward more National Parks. Underrated in my opinion.
"Sidney Powell is practising law on her own," Trump campaign lawyers Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis said in the statement.
"She is not a member of the Trump legal team. She is also not a lawyer for the President in his personal capacity."
before today
"Rudy Giuliani, Joseph diGenova, Victoria Toensing, Sidney Powell, and Jenna Ellis, a truly great team, added to our other wonderful lawyers and representatives," Mr Trump said in the tweet.
Quote: Billy Bunter @ 22nd November 2020, 10:29 PMThe people in question are not young John and Tracey, clerical assistants coming in to work each day on near-minimum wage. Ministers of the Crown do not mingle with such people. They are top civil servants on a three figure annual salary (with a corresponding pension to look forward to) and they themselves didn't get where they are today without robustly elbowing potential rivals out of the way without a second thought as and when necessary.
And why would the ones being "bullied" all be Tories?. They're Civil Servants. And many probably belong to their appropriate union. And why would it matter anyway? That makes no sense.
Civil servants. You are quite right. I got that wrong. I apologise.
You yourself are, however, completely wrong to assume they are necessarily old, as well paid as you say or necessarily have a tough, long background in the civil service.
As if any of these things would justify bullying them anyway!
Interesting how many ways people on this board can find to justify a straight case of bullying when it comes to defending a Conservative minister.
p.s. a three figure salary isn't much is it? I get what you mean though.
p.p.s. Hilarious that you still think the average young person is called John or Tracey!
Quote: john tregorran @ 23rd November 2020, 5:34 AM"She is not a member of the Trump legal team. "
Here she is, not being a member of the Trump Team.

Trump can now only find nitwits and nut-jobs to defend him.
But that's understandable.
What's more offensive is the silence from Republicans who should be admonishing him for his spoilt brat behaviour, whilst patently not giving two-f**ks about the disease ravaging the people he swore to protect.
Shame will follow him and his family to the grave.
Quote: lofthouse @ 22nd November 2020, 10:19 PMI don't like to judge people I've never met
But I'm 100% she's a nasty cruel heartless bitch from hell
You've judged me....a cretin and a f**king idiot.
If you read the site rules, personal attacks and insults are punishable with a permanent ban.
That was both.
Control yourself.
As you have seen, I take a different view to most of you lefties - but I'm allowed to.
I don't resort to personal abuse so do me the courtesy of not doing it to me.
Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 23rd November 2020, 2:08 PMYou've judged me....a cretin and a f**king idiot.
If you read the site rules, personal attacks and insults are punishable with a permanent ban.
That was both.
Control yourself.As you have seen, I take a different view to most of you lefties - but I'm allowed to.
I don't resort to personal abuse so do me the courtesy of not doing it to me.
Not saying you're wrong to make these point to Lofthouse. But they do sit a bit oddly with your own comments about bullying from just two days ago.
Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 21st November 2020, 10:24 AMNo matter how trivial the indecent these days - someone will shout Bully, Racist, Homophone etc.
And we know from which side that will come....
And they don't just complain - they want people to lose their livelihood because they were faux offended.
Thank god they are just the noisy minority.