Tuesday 15th May 2018 2:01pm [Edited]
14,748 posts
Quote: Briosaid @ 14th May 2018, 11:24 PM
Can you get your pea brain round that weird possibility - that one group might not ALWAYS be in the wrong? Oh sorry, of course your brain is moon-sized because you 're a possible Mensaaa candidate while the rest of us must bow to your superiority.
Imaginary scenarios that exist only in her head, with a dollop of self-righteous personal attack on top: a typical Briosaid tirade.
Another imaginary scenario.
Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 15th May 2018, 9:21 AM
The mutual religious hatred is too strong to ever be resolved.
I'm not sure that it's necessarily 100% mutual, as the Israelis have made peace with neighboring Muslim countries. They are getting pretty cozy with the Saudis as Iran's menacing behavior grows.
Quote: Kenneth @ 15th May 2018, 1:07 PM
Pop over there and listen to Hamas urging people to cross over in glorious bloodshed and be killed. Stupid to send the kiddies out and encourage them to die if you're unhappy with the location of the US Embassy. It's not remotely like saying women in short skirts are asking for it. That's called false equivalence.
"Now we are heading to Jerusalem with millions of martyrs. We may die but Palestine will live." = not the same as: I'm wearing a short skirt. See the difference?
Hamas organized the demonstration knowing full well that people would be killed. They're encouraging people to break through the barriers, and if that happens there will be large numbers of casualties. And if it happens, armed Hamas fighters will infiltrate Israel and we'll see kidnappings and murders of civilians and soldiers. The Hamas soldiers will commit atrocities, they'll be found and killed, and they will be celebrated as martyrs. Same old same old.