Hugh Hefner dead? Oh dear. Hefner was far worse than porn because he not only presented women as wank studies but made out it was glamorous and the aspiration of every man AND woman. The vibe now is that women who use sex for success are not only OK but cool. Like ain't Melania BEAUTIFUL? Unfortunately there are two problems: 1) I teach young girls and I'm sick of seeing them bombarded with images they couldn't achieve (or could - in the name of spunk). 2) Melania has to put Donald Trump's foreskin between her tonsils. Stick to waitressing, love.
I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,949
The videos and initial news reports out of Las Vegas are horrifying. Someone with an automatic weapon was firing from a hotel balcony into a large crowd at a country music concert. The videos show that hundreds of rounds were fired. They weren't aimed shots, but that volume of fire combined with a huge he crowd will likely result in mass casualties.
Just saw a couple of videos on twitter. So many shots, then it finally stopped, only to start up again after a minute. Horrible.
Quote: zooo @ 2nd October 2017, 9:23 AMJust saw a couple of videos on twitter. So many shots, then it finally stopped, only to start up again after a minute.
It was clearly an automatic weapon. Such weapons are rare and used in shootings even more rarely. The volume of fire means that it was either belt-fed or using one of those ridiculously large magazines. The hotel was more than 1000 feet away from the concert, so they weren't aimed shots. Hopefully that means that the casualties won't be as bad as they could have been.
The sheriff is giving a briefing and said that the shooter was killed by police. They aren't releasing his name, but they said he's a local resident. 100+ injured and 20+ dead.
Quote: DaButt @ 2nd October 2017, 9:38 AM100+ injured and 20+ dead.
We're getting two dead, dozens injured (CNN - 6 mins ago, according to google)
EDIT: Getting two distinctly different reports, all supposedly in the last 5 mins - either 2 dead or at least 20. Jeez.
Quote: Lazzard @ 2nd October 2017, 9:53 AMNo!
We're getting two dead, dozens injured (CNN - 6 mins ago, according to google)
Those figures came from the sheriff. I watched the press conference.
Looks that way - the reports are shifting buy the minute here.
Apparently some woman told a group of teenagers 'you're all going to die tonight' 45 minutes before it happened. Either a randomly prescient drunk, or the woman they're now looking for?
Quote: zooo @ 2nd October 2017, 10:04 AMApparently some woman told a group of teenagers 'you're all going to die tonight' 45 minutes before it happened. Either a randomly prescient drunk, or the woman they're now looking for?
Probably the former. This was likely a well-planned shooting and it's unlikely that the shooter's companion would risk blowing it by spouting off in public. Not impossible, of course, but unlikely.
If this is true....what can I say.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 2nd October 2017, 11:07 AMIf this is true....what can I say.
Why wouldn't it be true? That's the same as in many/most states.
Some things to remember:
1) Murder is illegal and can be punishable by death in Nevada. Not sure that any changes to gun laws would help.
2) The shooter used a fully automatic weapon. Those are somewhat rare, essentially illegal, extremely expensive, and are almost never used in crimes.
3) Police say that the suspect was "known to them." If that means that he had a previous felony conviction or other history of serious crime, then he would have been forbidden to purchase or possess a firearm.
4) Where there's a will, there's a way. The terrorist in France managed to kill and injure 4 times as many people than the Las Vegas shooter. (EDIT) Strike that, police now say that the death toll is 50+.
5) Stricter gun laws do nothing to solve the problem of gun crime.
Quote: DaButt @ 2nd October 2017, 11:41 AM5) Stricter gun laws do nothing to solve the problem of gun crime.
Well they do, because countries who have stricter gun laws have much less gun crime. So.
But anyway, shouldn't you be in bed?!
Excuse me Dabutt but are you trying to compare this slaughter with other countries terrorist issues?
It doesnt matter what horrors and crime gunmen do in the USA - people are more frightened of losing their right to bear arms
Don't you see the absurdity of it?
Stricter gun laws wouldn't even affect normal people like Dabutt anyway. Just the mad, unstable and/or criminals. So I've never understood why he's so against it. Oh well.
More likely the lack of availability of meds, rather than the ready availability of guns, if we're honest.