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I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,929

And then when Muslims do report friends or family as extremists (as they did with the terrorists in several of the recent attacks), the police do f**k all about it.

10.000 more coppers should help a bit then...

Quote: Godot Taxis @ 10th June 2017, 8:36 AM

Not sure where you got this document Da Butt but you'd be best advised to draw no conclusions from it - certainly not the one quoted above. The 62% figure comes from Gazan Palestinians who are not involved in a religious conflict with Israel, the conflict is wholly secular. Of course like many arabs not all Palestinians are muslim, but the Palestinians are relatively irreligious - somewhat akin to C of E in the UK.

The conflict is not wholly secular, it is a religious war. To claim otherwise is willful deceit. Palestinians attack synagogues and the attacks are celebrated in the streets, while the attackers are celebrated and their families rewarded.

Quote: Godot Taxis @ 10th June 2017, 8:36 AM

It is also impossible to transpose the violence that takes place in Israel and Palestine elsewhere in the world. A citizen of the US or the UK is not going to be killed by a Palestinian

Again, this is utterly untrue. Dozens of Americans have died at the hands of Palestinian terrorists. Remember when elderly, wheelchair-bound Leon Klinghoffer was shot in the head and thrown overboard from his cruise ship? His sole "crime" was being a Jew. Secular my ass...

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 10th June 2017, 10:12 AM

10.000 more coppers should help a bit then...

Definitely. There have been many successful arrests before the terrorists were able to hurt anyone, but money, manpower and resources are always in short supply. As more attacks unfold, I'm sure that more money will be thrown at the problem.

Blimey, Richard Hammond had a severe racing accident in Switzerland!

Quote: zooo @ 10th June 2017, 9:29 AM

And then when Muslims do report friends or family as extremists (as they did with the terrorists in several of the recent attacks), the police do f**k all about it.

And it's this which really disturbs me because it happens so much, every bloody commissioner denies it as Dick's just done but it happens so effing much! Gives me no faith at all that more money and recruits is the answer if that's how they all seem to respond to our calls. It's their effing culture of not believing the public and doing eff all that's the main problem, and that costs little to put right.
Angry Ah there he is.

Quote: DaButt @ 10th June 2017, 3:40 PM

The conflict is not wholly secular, it is a religious war. To claim otherwise is willful deceit. Palestinians attack synagogues and the attacks are celebrated in the streets, while the attackers are celebrated and their families rewarded.

No, Dabutt, the Palestinian/Israeli conflict is not a religious conflict. I can't remember ever seeing anyone claiming it was a religious conflict except you. That isn't even the position of US Hawks. The Israelis are occupying and developing Palestinian land in defiance of international law. They aren't doing it because the Palestinian are muslims - they would be doing it if the Palestinians were all Christians (some of them are BTW). They would still be doing it if the Palestinians were Americans or Turks or Smurfs - they just want the land.

I know what you would do if some Iranians (For example) came to America and threw you out of your home and installed an Iranian family in it and it wouldn't involve a stream of protest letters...

Quote: DaButt @ 10th June 2017, 3:40 PM

Again, this is utterly untrue. Dozens of Americans have died at the hands of Palestinian terrorists. Remember when elderly, wheelchair-bound Leon Klinghoffer was shot in the head and thrown overboard from his cruise ship? His soul "crime" was being a Jew. Secular my ass...

The death of Klinghoffer is an outrage which is inexcusable in my view.

You call them Palestinian terrorists - but earlier you said it was a religious war - so which is it? You need to remember that Gaza, East jerusalem and the West Bank are illegally occupied under international law so the people of those territories are entitled to use force to resist the occupation. It isn't considered terrorism under international law. The Israelis incidentally call everyone terrorists. They called the victims of Sabra and Shatilla terrorists.

Quote: Godot Taxis @ 11th June 2017, 5:25 AM

No, Dabutt, the Palestinian/Israeli conflict is not a religious conflict. I can't remember ever seeing anyone claiming it was a religious conflict except you. That isn't even the position of US Hawks. The Israelis are occupying and developing Palestinian land in defiance of international law.

Da Butt you are a skilful debater, but on this point I believe Godot Taxi is absolutely right. If Mexico (hypothetically) marches the tanks into America (before the wall is built) surely Americans would believe they had the right to bear arms ? If Mexico calls themselves a peace keeping force and the Americans terrorists (in their own land) that wouldn't change a the facts. Mind you if Mexicans controlled the American media then I could see how you may be swayed to the Mexican viewpoint.

Quote: Davida @ 9th June 2017, 2:28 AM

:O You've dropped your cool Dickensian bit! Cool Shame! Put it back you naughty girl.

What? Are you commenting on dropping my surname?

I'm on the hunt for a better paying job somewhere with better management, and have posted a fair amount of garbled manic nonsense about shenanigans at my workplace that might not be taken particularly well by potential employers (who love to snoop the internet for things on social media etc. of their applicants). I'm taking mysterious Mark (or Orange Mark as he is sometimes also known)'s lead and trying to be slightly more anonymous.

No comments on how the election is going? I guess it is 2:30am... I've just got home from work and haven't sorted through the news yet. No idea what's going on.

I'm one of the odd 30% who couldn't give a flying f**k about the election. Cool

So you've dropped the brilliant Grimes for a bit of anonymity - like Davida is not going to be noticeable. Whistling nnocently

Now that is naughty Herc, if Davida want to drop her surname from the forum, you should not be so unreasonable as to write it out in your message! I suggest that you edit your message to obfusticate the surname.

Quote: Godot Taxis @ 11th June 2017, 5:25 AM

No, Dabutt, the Palestinian/Israeli conflict is not a religious conflict.

It most certainly is a religious conflict. Read the charter of Hamas, if you can stomach the antisemitism that drips from every page.

Here's a sample: "Israel, Judaism and Jews challenge Islam and the Moslem people. May the cowards never sleep."

Also: "The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him."

Quote: Firkin @ 11th June 2017, 8:49 AM

If Mexico (hypothetically) marches the tanks into America (before the wall is built) surely Americans would believe they had the right to bear arms ?

We'd fight, but not like the Palestinians do.

We wouldn't kill Mexican civilians in a church.

We wouldn't execute crippled, elderly Mexican tourists because of their religion.

We wouldn't massacre Mexican civilians at a 12-year-old girl's party.

We wouldn't use suicide bombings against Mexican civilians.

We wouldn't blow up a bus filled with Mexican civilians.

We wouldn't murder a sleeping Mexican family in their beds, nor would we decapitate a 3-month-old baby.

Do you get the picture?

Doesn't America (and probably Britain) blow up foreign hospitals fairly regularly?

Quote: zooo @ 11th June 2017, 6:23 PM

Doesn't America (and probably Britain) blow up foreign hospitals fairly regularly?

There is a distinct and easily discernable difference between accidentally hitting people/places/things in the confusion of battle and purposely targeting civilians.

If an American pilot drops a bomb on the wrong target, the entire process will be methodically examined in an attempt at preventing it from happening again in the future. Punishment will be handed out if warranted and those at fault will regret their actions for the rest of their lives.

If a Palestinian "freedom fighter" enters an Israeli home and cuts the throats of every man, woman and child, his act will be celebrated in the streets. His photo will be slapped up on billboards and his family will be rewarded by groups who will praise his "heroic" actions.

Two completely different things.

Have you read Spike Milligans book where he is stationed in Italy during WW2?
He writes that when bombers were heard flying overhead they looked to see who's they were. If they were German, they went about their business. If they were American bombers they dived into the trenches.

Milligan's war books are as good as any feted satire like Catch 22 on the illogical mayhem of war. With funny pics too.Laughing out loud
And the US unfriendly fire and lack of accuracy jokes really have been around a long time for sound reasons. 'Our boy's up there can hit pickles in a barrel.' 'Well they should've been able to hit those bloody great concrete bunkers then.' on Omaha beach disaster.

But they hit hospitals only because the enemy wants them to. After their own attacks and takeovers i.s. retreat to the most populated areas waiting for the missiles and drones to come and kill as many women and children as possible. This then justifies their preplanned acts of barbarism on our civilians. What do you do, leave them to create a harsh medieval caliphate which could subjugate millions or risk killing some civilians in stopping them?

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