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I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,921

zooom is very acceptable.

(Weren't those rocket shaped ice lollies called zooms?)

I have no idea. What color are they? If they're red white and blue we call them rocket pops here, I think. What was this thread about, again?

Quote: Davida Grimes @ 27th May 2017, 10:59 AM

Yeah. I'm with you there. Gordon Bennett... But, all that aside, maybe I'm with you that getting Trump out of office is more important on a world-scale and the poor and lower middle classes stuck here in the mean time are just going to have to suck it up and do what we can to get by, and do whatever is necessary to get the idiot off the world political stage. I would sleep better if the rest of the world could sleep better. Though I don't know about Pence being sane.

This is a part of a user's comment on the WaPo FB-page. I think it summarises quite well what I've tried to express in my earlier post...only in better English.

"Pence is dangerous, BUT after watching this disaster play out, he may be the only hope to salvage any allies we have. Pence is dangerous for domestic policy, which we can stop*. Trump is dangerous for foreign and domestic policy and he won't play by any rules."

*assuming that there will be a Democratic majority in the Congress after the mid-term election.

Dems are notorious for having exceptionally poor voter turnout for midterms, which is why the republicans won over so many seats in the last midterm. But hopefully the dems will be desperate enough for political change that they'll turn in their ballots this time. I will certainly be voting. Not that my vote will make much a difference. Our senators are democrats, and 4 out of 5 of our representatives are democrats. I suspect the one republican will lose his seat in the 2020 midterm. Although I think part of the reason democrats have especially bad voter turnout for midterms is in part because we have an awful habit of assuming we'll win, leading us to not bother to vote. It's idiotic.

As far as stopping pence from doing too much damage if he becomes president, it sounds good in theort. At least when it comes to foreign policy (which understandably is probably rightly what you all are most concerned about). But here at home I have a lot of fear of the damage he could do to women, blacks, immigrants, gays, the poor, the elderly, the disabled, the infirm etc.

His moral compass is just completely broken. Making it illegal to not have funerals for aborted embryos? Beleiving that 'legitimate rape' rarely leads to pregnancy because "the female body has ways of shutting all that down" and thus women who are raped and get pregnant should have to prove that the rape was 'legitimate' in order to be allowed to have an abortion. Investing tax money to conversion therapy to 'cure' gays. Opposing marriage equality. Refusing to sign a workplace nondescrimination bill on the grounds that it is against American's freedom and religious rights to prohibit employers from being allowed to fire/not-hire or otherwise descrimimate against someone based on their sexual preferences. Raising the retirement age and cutting funds for social security, medicare and medicaid screwing over the elderly, which is particularly atrocious to me, personally. Setting caps on minimum wage. Cutting food stamps for the poor. These are not just things he wants to do, these are things he's already voted to put into law. I shudder to think what executive orders he might write. Maybe not impossible to combat, but it would be a struggle. Not sure if he's more or less likely than Trump to start a war or use nukes. I can't really see pence getting impeached if he becomes president either. He knows how to keep his nose clean. He's very calculating. It's all very scary.

It would appear that Zoom lollies and Rocket pops are, although similar - not the same thing


Rockets were Wall's; Zooms were the Lyons Maid equivalent.

Ah, but which one caused more tooth rot.

Pence is pure unadulterated scum.

On a lighter note, Zooooms! I want one. And a Fab.

What's a Fab?

Quote: Davida Grimes @ 30th May 2017, 5:32 PM

What's a Fab?



Is it strawberry flavour? Yum.

Strawberry, vanilla and chocolate. Lovey

I've never seen such a thing. I want one!

Don't forget the 100's and 1000's (sprinkles to yanks)

Quote: zooo @ 30th May 2017, 8:26 PM

Strawberry, vanilla and chocolate. Lovey

Neolopitan as Ron used to say.

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